Saturday, January 26, 2008

April 2008

This year of 2008 will be a year of first things and great things. It will be an exceptional year for the uncompromisingly righteous elect in the earth while it will prove to be a year of great devastation for people who have rejected the good news of Jesus Christ.

This year begins a new cycle of punishments upon America. The national patriotic movement will be swept away.

2008 will bring new and upgraded terrorism to the shores of America with a new strain of virus that will take the lives of many as older prophetic words will be fulfilled. This plague will strike both the righteous and the wicked.

Those who call themselves righteous have not DONE righteousness. Christianity is about to be turned upside down because what is preached is so contrary to what Jesus Christ said himself. The U.S. church has not done the job required of them (caring for the sick, poor, those in prison) and are destined for the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Churches are against other churches, doing the opposite of what we are called to do (care for one another).

In the first seven years of this millenium, you had ample time to reflect on the disastrous events and repent. Since you did not repent, I will punish you seven times more for what you are doing.

A baptism of the Holy Spirit of the 'uncompromisingly righteous elect' which is now hidden and scattered about is coming.

The first plague that will be released in 2008 will kill the wicked and the righteous together. (The virus will have no solution.) The good news is that those who have received Jesus Christ will awake to eternal live in the kingdom of heaven (those who have truly been working out their salvation with fear and trembling).

The uncompromising righteous shall surely shine forth like the stars of heaven during this very dark time. This will be the release for exploits to be accomplished by this remnant company of believers who have learned how to live their lives in Christ.

The wave of calamity will come from the west. It will stretch from north to south.

Violence will be released through the sword of war. The U.S. will be hit by terrorism.

People will awaken to disasters so fierce that they will not be able to handle the pressure.

Who will do exploits in this dark time? It is the manifested sons of God. It is the governmental body of Christ establishing kingdom authority all over the world.

The revelation of the two witnesses will be seen during this season.

The earth will be struck with one plague after another because of the intensity of the mission of the two witnesses.

The marking point will most likely be in the spring at the beginning of the Jewish year March or April (Nissan-Passover).

7 to 15 nuclear weapons to be detonated on the same day in the United States, causing the nation to collapse literally in one hour.

Followed by war against the U.S.

Vincent and his wife also saw a huge wall of water in the Pacific Ocean rushing toward the entire west coast.

Vincent Xavier 2008 Prophecy


  1. While this sort of thing could happen, the chances for it to happen is slim. Very slim! This type of 'prophecy' only causes problems with when it doesn't happen. You are doing more harm by posting this stuff.

  2. very slim ?
    What if you are very,very wrong and it does happen ?
    I am in agreement with this message and stand with it.
    Something is going on and as usualt the majority are asleep and will again be caught of guard.
    God reveals His secrets to His servants,His plans to those who seek Him.
    This is the second message to me about a specific time of judgment on the U.S. this April (Passover window) from two seperate sources.
    It will be easy enough to know for sure very soon if Vincent and Ronald Weiland are false prophet's.

    What are you going to say if
    goes down ,send me a 'you were right' message by smoke signals ?
    Because the internet will be no more

  3. The test of a true prophet is if what he says comes to pass.
    Wouldn't it be wise to wait and see ,then you can be sure of your 'harm' comment ?

  4. History is full of false prophets, even well intentioned ones. But that wasn't the intention of my post. You simply didn't understand. The bible is the only true guide and it even states in Revelation that words can not be added or subtracted from His spoken word. By declaring April 2008 as the time for these world changing things will happen is ignorant even if you did feel this way. When they don't happen and non believers read this, the credibility of the Church is hurt. Our witness is destroyed. They laugh at us. We are to be watchmen not prophets. We are to explain what could happen thru the third lens of the bible rather than declare ourselves divine with all the answers. The track record for God's word is 100%. There is no human that comes close to that and that will include Vincent as well. You and this sites visitors can believe what they want but think about the ramifications of your actions.

  5. "the credibility of the Church is hurt. Our witness is destroyed. They laugh at us."

    What a laugh.
    The hurt and the witness have happened long ago.
    They have been laughing long before.
    Like I wrote before, what if you are wrong ?
    Come back in April and tell me I was wrong to post this ,not before Ed!
    Is this why you hide behind Anon ?

  6. Anonymous is just easier, you can call me Kevin. I don't know who Ed is. I won't comment in May because what's the point. You will know and so will I.

    I will say one more thing. Just because the Christian witness has been destroyed with countless other crazy predictions by self centered believers like vincent (even pat robertson has done this) doesn't mean its ok for it to continue. You are promoting this guy and atleast you are going down with the ship.

    I visit your blog a lot so I will be around in May. I understand, I sometime get excited about signs of the end too but you just need to keep 'who' gets this divine inspiration from God and their claims of knowing world changing events like this ahead of time.

    Criticism is always hard and I am sorry if you feel I am attacking you. Your heart is in the right place and my visits to your blog comes from a respect for the work you do. I just think this post was wrong.

  7. No problem on criticism or rebuke.
    Almost all of American Christiandumb is in apostacy aas are the 'leaders' who have brought great shame to the Church of God.
    It's not just Robertson or Oral Roberts.
    I've learned not to follow men and would never lump Vincent X together with a wolf like Robertson or calling him self centered without first knowing for sure.
    Are you being careless ?

  8. Kevin ,My guess is that you voted for the fake Christian Bush and this one man has done more harm to our Christian witness than any other since Emperor Constantine and that you are silent when it comes to him.
    Tell me if I am right or wrong ?

    "He’d rather talk about sex than God
    George Bush built his career on his faith. But his key religious adviser tells of a different man behind the born-again image."

  9. I am not sure how this became about who I voted for. I have never had an election in which I voted for someone who believed all of what I do. (aka a real Christian) And that is looking at this world thru scripture and the importance of protecting God's chosen people. Have you voted for someone like this that actually had a chance to win? So what does this cause? For me its voting against the worst person which at this point ends up to be liberals. I had high hopes for Bush but you can't split Jerusalem or give away His land to anyone. That's where my hope for this president faded and it's causing our country to be thrown to the wolves. I knew long ago the things in your link. The problem is one needs to be advised by God not other 'religious' advisers.

    You seem to imply that I am all wet simply because I didn't mention Bush in this discussion? How silly.

    This was and always is about our witness and the harm this sort of 'divine' prophecy causes when it doesn't happen. surely we can agree that it causes harm. no?

  10. Sounds like you already have your mind made up before the fact.

    It's as if God might interfere with your plans ?

    The damage deceived Christian's did by voting for a wolf who beguiled them to get their vote is a fact after the fact that you still won't deal with.
    The damage already done is catastrophic and the Church (you) have yet to repent.
    Why is that ?


  11. i am concerned about the use of the terms "manifested sons of God" and "take dominion" these terms seem to indicate that vincent is into some false doctrine.Marcel you link to Moriel ministries you should investigate JJ Prasch's teachings on these doctrines.he also warns about "rambunction"

  12. "i am concerned about the use of the terms "manifested sons of God" and "take dominion" these terms seem to indicate that vincent is into some false doctrine."

    I have to agree with your concern on the us of these 'red light' false doctrine warnings.
    I think I am so on the edge of my seat waiting for somthing big to happen that I look too hard for it ?
    I've got to learn to wait on the Lord and His timing.

    We are over,over saturated in the media with the phony dog an pony show US elections and I'm almost convinced another scenario will unfold to pull this show off the front page ?
    I'm so tired of the lies and deception that I long for all of them to be swept away and for that I gladly confess my guilt.
    What is so sad is how so many have grown comfortable with this dark,evil status quo and are so troubled when someone sheds a laser light on their soon to pop life in the balloon.
    Even if God were to send two witnesses ,the world would reject them and try to kill them because of their unacceptable message.
    not being a message of love or from a gentle spirit they will be considered rambunctious.
    I'll bet the world would even celebrate and send gifts to one another after they accomplished their goal of silencing the truth.
    I wonder if some of you are as hard on the false prophets who peddle smooth words and lies ?

    rambunctious ?
    I think Jacob was a bit rambunctious in going after Robert Morey even if he deserved it ,don't you ?
    It seems as if he has gone soft on Bush as you have if you ask me, but then I'm a nobody without a ministry.

  13. i too look for the soon return and would love to see the corruption of this world to be brought to naught.but false doctrine will lead to false prophesy.we must be careful not to endorse false teachers because they tickle our ears.if the Word of God is preached I do believe that people will see that these certainly are the days that the prophets spoke of. i think that people now look for these catastrophies to occur because a man prophesied that they would; instead of looking for the Lord. it seems to me that they are seeking a sign. some i believe are excited because it is like the release of some big holly wood movie that they will be able to sit back and watch it all unfold on tv. i look forward to being with the Lord i do not look forward with pleasure the idea of tribulation.and you do have a ministry. people are reading your blog in order to recieve from the are a teacher and that is an awesome responsibilty. you have my prayers and love continue on in truth brother.

  14. Thanks for the heads up ,warning.
    It's so easy to get deceived in these dark last of the last days.

    The Lord has led me away from so much crap in Christian garb ,from the prosperity sewer dressaed as an Oasis to the cutting edge ministries of today ,ect.
    People are led to the lies they want to believe by God because they do not treasure the truth.
    Hence ,strong delusion is mainly for God's people ,not the already deluded lost world.
    I do know that what I am warning about is far removed from tickleing anyone's ears as it is extremely unpopular and universally rejected,especially by the Church deceive by an earrly rapture escape.
    They are the five unwise virgins Jesus spoke of in Matthew 25.
    Unprepare and out of oil because thye were lulled into a false sense of security.
    Matthew 24 is specific on when the rapture will occur.

  15. All prophecy will always be in agreement with the Word of God, the testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of prophecy. Date setting is always a warning sign of error. True prophecy is never partially correct, it is always 100% correct, right on the money, and will be found in the word of God, the final authority on all things. I appreciate your zeal Marcel, and your desire to be pleasing to God and to not be found wanting in That day. May we all keep our vessels clean and fulled with the oil of the Holy Spirit, as we see the day and hour in which we live and we see That day approaching.... Amen
    God Bless

  16. Marcel-

    I believe you will find that the Lord Jesus Christ will not be nearly as pleased as you may believe with the knee-jerk reaction of rushing to judgement as He will be in walking in love and listening before you decide to lop everyones heads off who converses with you.

    I Cor 13:1-7. It may be possible you are speaking the truth, but not in love. If that is the case, it profits you zippo. In fact, you can still be speaking the truth and doing the work of the enemy.

    I ask you to allow Jesus to soften your heart and come out of your foxhole. He will protect you, even as you have been deeply hurt. He first needs to heal your wounds before you can be truly of service in His kingdom. Do you trust Him to do this?

  17. April 17th, has come and gone... Weiland, specifically said something of global consequence would occur on the 17th. He lied.

  18. you're right,
    He based his whole ministry and credibility on this date.
    When he said hell didn't exist and some other false teachings I had to discount him.
    I don't see an American being one of the 2 witnesses either.
    I'm holding on to the 2 servants of God who never died yet,Enoch & Elijah.
    I begin to take a more serious look at Vincent Xavier and will wait until the end of Passover/April to see if what he said comes to pass as I did post what he said here in my blog.
    If I was wrong to do so,my hope is that I will learn to listen to God and not misguided men.
    I do believe strongly that we are at the end of the end, here in America especially.
