Wednesday, March 26, 2008


The last Jezebel assumed she could lie with ease and that her media whores would keep the truth covered up as they had done so many times before.
Oops,not this time.
When you serve the devil's kingdom , he and his own often and unexpectedly turn on you.
Devious politicians know the art of spin but sometimes like Ex-Gov. Spitzer of N.Y. judgment is swifter .
The high and mighty,the proud all have their day coming,it's guaranteed.
"I misspoke. A mistake ,an error, exaggeration,I'm human, confusion because I was tired,ect".
I'm fed up with the lies and the great honor and respect given to evil people by hell's American branch of the government-media complex .
Those who claim to honor God and who honor satan's evil servants are deceived ,double minded hypocrites.
You can't serve both kingdoms.
Today good is evil and evil is good and the lies and deception grow more and more as an even deeper darkness falls upon this land.
I've heard every excuse from the media, but the one thing I haven't heard which ties in well with 99.9 % (100% ?)of politician's is "LIAR ".
Thats how far we have fallen ,a liar is not defined as a liar because it is considered too harsh ?
The truth is too hard to take so ' lets live a lie' is the American mantra,especially among all our leaders.
My 52 year old brainwashed brother told me during the pagan Ishtar celebration;
"There are no absolutes"
He and his daughter also said lying was OK.
Maybe thats why liars, evil gets a pass in Ameria today,it's in,everyone does it ?
Everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah got a pass ,there was much tolerance and *love there until God opened up His storehouse.

The evil system finally got to him ,it's already destroyed so many generations of children since removing God and his light from U.S. school's.

Is the evil, lying,devious, power hungry bitch also a witch ?
What really happened to her buddy lawyer,confidant,friend Vince Foster ?
Her government and media pals whitewashed/covered up that mysterious death.
Aah,all that power,it's the biggest high.
Queen Witch Jezebel also though she was invincable and no one dared speak out against her except for one soul in Israel.
(* the love of man is worthless,phony,feigned,shallow,selfish)


  1. The Presidential candidate you speak of could not pass a security clearance; yet she demanded to sit in on Cabinet Meetings when her husband was in the white house. The former NY Govenor's replacement has also admitted to affairs and the use of drugs.

    The lead national security adviser for Obama is proported in the news today as being anti-Israeli; he is former US Air Force.

    The calm before the new storm in Iraq is starting as the agreements between the militia' movements in Iraq is falling apart. An agreement we purchased with chinese loan guarentees, no doubt, because we are broke. The war has cost an estimated 2 trillion dollars thus far.

    The only news show I force myself to watch is Fox News, and one of their advertizements for the morning show is that it is a show with a "late night attitude", whatever that suggestion is supposed to mean. We are falling hard and the slippery slope is getting steeper.

    I have a true feeling in my spirit that God Himself is "greasing" the slide for US.

    Keep the faith! The God who watches over Israel and His children does not slumber nor sleep. He is in total control.


  2. Jr ,
    General McPeak has a real hatred for Israel and the Jews.
    Israel has had an idolatrous relationship with the U.S. and God is ending it so that they can look to Him.
    They are as dependent as a heroin junkie on the US. for their survival and this has led them to disaster and no where near any real peace.
    Hitlery is one of the many liars and devious devils whose greed for power greases the slide of America down to hell.
    Bush today said he is confident the economy will rebound soon.
    That make me more sure of what is now coming down to the dust.
    Obadiah is a very good read indeed.

  3. Fox is part of the government- media brainwashing of America.
    I gave up on satellite tv long ago.
    The dish works well since mid 2003 as a bird bath.
    Paying to watch commerical's ,not me.
    I try to limit my time watching the idiot box.
    I can't stand all the lying commercial's.
    All our enemies have to do is watch our TV and they can see that the masses are dumbed down and ready to be attacked and defeated.
    Thank's to Bush our military is worn down and worn out and bankrupt because of Iraq and this will invite the Russian,Chinese,Chavez,N.Korea ect. attack on the Continental U.S.
    The disgusting US. media fails to report much of the news except if it is mush to soften and gel the brain matter of the average American.
    Thank God for the internet as that is where I get the news long before the alphabet channels do.

  4. Actually, only a handful of Israelis are "dependent" on America. These are the corrupt politicians who line their pockets with American silver....coins that never reach the people of Eretz Israel.

    Israel's war victories were accomplished without the use of American arms or assitance. Far from it...the USA was actively supporting the other side, and as the LBJ papers have revealed, making their own plans to attack and invade the location of G_d's holy Covenant.

    We fought with weapons bought on the open market; i.e. French Mirage Fighter aircraft, FAL-FN battle rifles and light machine guns, and of course, the infamous "Uzi" sub-machine gun.

    remember, Israel takes out loans..and does not receive "grants" as do the Arab enemies of our tiny country. These loans must be spent within the United they are in reality, a form of convoluted welfare for Boeing and other US Aerospace companies. Also, it should be remembered that without Israeli modifications such as cutting edge optics and avionics,,the American fleets of F-15's, 16's, Cobra and Apaches...would have been been in the dustbin 20 years ago. Remember those "smart-bombs" (AGP-Popeye)that maintain the B-52's relevance in the 21st century? Israeli! (Now produced by Raytheon because Bush didn't want to bomb Muslims with Jewish munitions). After Bush coerced Turkey into changing their Constitution to allow the Islamic parties to hold government office...the Turks promptly denied the US access to American bases in their country. Who offered and alternative? Israel. And who picked up the multi-billion dollar tab for the services.......the Israeli taxpayer.

    Then there are the high-tech innovations that originate in Israeli institutions such as the Technion University in Haifa. Pentium 4, D, Dual core and mobile processors are 100% pure Israeli.

    The only way forward for Israel, is to refuse further loans from the USA (Japan, Germany and other countries offer the same loans at far better terms...and without suicide as a term of agreement.), put an end to the desecration of the Sabbath, and outlaw the displays of homosexuality that now disgrace the nation.



  5. Michael ,
    Sadly Israel has made a god out of the US.
    Instead of obeying Exodus 23 (below) Israel ignores God and His command and ALWAYS,ALWAYS,ALWAYS obeys failed,dangerous,cursed,bad,evil U.S. policy that tramples Israel's sovereignty.
    I think you Michael as so many in Israel are in strong denial.
    The truth is plain to see.
    Israel serves and bows to a false god and ignores the clear command of the Holy One of Israel.
    Almost the whole nation blindly bows to Bush and his Road Map 2 state solution.
    That's the truth Israel hides from.

    Once I see Israel as one voice saying to the U.S. ;
    ,then I will believe Israel is not dependent on the US.
    There is no one in Israel in a position of power to say NO to the U.S. and it's suicidal fake peace agenda that Israel has married itself to.
    All I see are faithless,wimpy,spineless,sissey leaders like Barak,Livni and Olmert who are easliy manipulated,deceived by Rice ,Bush Cheney.
    Nothing changes the deadly course these kapo leaders have put Israel on.
    It is shameful that Israel ignores Hashem and religiously bows to Bush always,no mater what abomination he demands Israel fulfill for his evil agenda.

    Exodus 23;27
    ' I will put My terror ahead of you,and throw into confusion all the people among whom you come,and I will make all your enemies turn their backs to you.
    'And I will send hornets ahead of you ,that they may drive out the (Palestinian's) before you."
    I will not drive them out before you in a single year.......
    I will drive them out before you little by little .............
    You have made evil Bush your god by obeying him and disobeying God.

    They shall not live in your land................
    Sadly Israel has chosen to believe a tall Texas size liar and does not believe God ,having ignored,rejected His word.
    Is it any wonder things are so bad and getting worse for Israel by the day ?
    What an abomination to trust in lying politicians who never deliver on their lies to bring peace and to ignore the Holy One of Israel.
    This cannot go on much longer.

  6. God has and always come to the defense of Israel, Praise His Holy name, the world may try to errase her off the map, but God is her defender. He has been with her through all her wars, through all her trials,and horrors, He has kept a remnant. Israel is a miracle nation.

    I thank God that He is soon to bring things into high gear, and He is using hitlery and obamsama and mcpain in the neck to do it...America is a fool nation to think that it can divide Gods land.

    We Americans are foolish to believe that man can change anything, the only change man can bring is for the worse not the better, because our hearts are far from God.

  7. It is truley unprofitable to get at all involved in the politics of Mystery Babylon. Let them alone, they are blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind both will fall into the ditch. We are called to pray for our enemies and do good to those who hate us. Don't let your love grow cold because iniquity abounds. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. Heb 13:14 God bless and be at peace in Christ.

  8. Thanks for the good word seed sower & anon.
    Yes we are to love and pray for our enemies but also what so many Christian's fail to do today. Ephesians 5:11
    ..and do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness,but instead even expose them.;.....
    It's possible that the truckers might go on strike next week.
    Almost evereything we need comes by way of trucks.
    God's hand is pressing sore upon this nation and before most realize ,it will be changed for the worse and contine to sink.
    We're(U.S.) not rising from this one ever again.
    I hope the Lord has led you to prepare.
    Amen !
    No continuing city here so it won't hurt those who look for Jesus to return and set up His
    Kingdom in Jerusalem.
