Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Boiled Frog

Remember the story about the frog that is placed in a pot of cool water as the heat is turned up .
The frog sits still as the water comes to a boil and he's cooked.
That's whats happening here in the U.S. .
The frogs are starting to sweat but those who run the kitchen throw a little more spice into the pot and tell the frogs ,'things ain't so bad'.
It's not often we find news report from outside the kitchen which tells the frogs what is really going on.
Like I said before, the U.S. media will continue to lie and spin what is happening to keep the frogs glazed and mind numb.
This is why most of the population is drugged,brainwashed,kept entertained and easily shuffled like frogs into a cook pot.

USA 2008: The Great Depression

Sadr and his Mahdi army in Iraq didn't turn in their weapons ,just saved them for another fight.
The U.S. pressured Israel into a truce,ceasefire with Hezbollah and Hamas.
And so we get the same with the Iranian aligned Shiite army of Iraq.
Payback is always hell.
America's nefarious interference in Israel's sovereignty is coming back to bite her in her jugular.
A truce is no good,it is worthless as it only give the enemy time to become a greater threat for the sure war that is coming.
Bush's Iraq agenda is a complete loss ,a total failure ,but you won't hear that from the kitchen staff.
Notice how unter King Malaki's battle against the criminal army in Basra (which Bush praised last week) has disappeared from the media lights.
It's gone because it was a complete failure.
President Bush will never come out and speak the truth ,jut spin his lies and fantasy world to us focusing our attention elsewhere.
Failure ,they never admit to their failures the high and mighty,the proud.
Many evil leaders today suffer from this satanic pride.
Robert Mugabe ,Zimbabwe's cursed leader is just one of many leaders around the world under the influence of satan .
His evil affects one nation ,Bush's evil led visionary arrogance affects the world.

I'm sure that when Rome began to collapse ,victory was spun out of defeat and failure also.
Bush is working hard to start WWIII by inviting the Ukraine to join Nato soon after blessing Kosovo independence from Serbia as America crumbles behind him.
I would love to be the fly on the wall seeing what Vlad the Putin is cooking up in his kitchen for U.S.
You can be sure his pot is also boiling on the stove.


  1. While rereading some of your posts a phrase from Scripture came to mind; it is about the "silence in Heaven for about the space of an hour..." This event, which cannot even be imagined in the human mind, with no angels singing praises, no voices heard, total silence; before judgment begins.

    It is as if the time has come; nothing can be said or done. No prayers, no inquiries, no answers, nothing!

    What an awesome event we face in these last of the last days.

    What we have done for God is already recorded. What we are going to do we must do quickly. For night is coming when man can no longer work. What has been done is done. What was meant to be done is forever impossible to do. Night time cometh when no man can work. It is fast approaching.

    I feel there will be a total breakdown in society, stores will be closed, money will be unavailable, food will be scarce. Total calamity.

    But in the midst of these things, the glory of the LORD will fall on His chosen ones and people we have long since given up on will suddenly appear and ask for prayer and deliverance. There will be songs of deliverance in the fires.

    This is the time for preparation.

    mtzion@hughes.net jrpeacher

  2. great deception strong deludsion are in great abundance as we see shortages in everything starting with the truth.
    sin is in ,lies are fine in this dark time.
    The false church arises to take her seat next to the kings of this present evil world system.
    The false Christians are very tolerant like the world they serve of what God calls abomination and so it is only a remnant who will not bow their knee to this very tolerant evil system we see arising as the last and short lived Babel II.
    Isn't it intersting how the great superpower world empire ,the nation at the forefront of rebuilding Babel,the brunt of her military and money are stuck in ancient Babylon for the day and the hour of God's choosing.
    Yes,the silence in heaven and what comes after ,but the message coming out from heaven now to His people is 'come out from the midst of her My people' that you do not partake in her plagues.

  3. Something else you will not hear in the lukewarm puke churches of America today.
    The truth ahs been replaced by fables which do not shake up or offend the religious whores who love serving two masters.
    Many (Christian's) will be 'offended' and betray one another.
    "And at that time MANY will fall away and will deliver up one another and hate one another" Matthew 24:10
    The church is not ready because she has believed lies upon lies and built her house on them.
    I watched the movie 'The Pianist' yesterday and the fact that it was base on the survival of just one man in the middle of so many who died said something to me.
    God will have His people as He has always had in the midst of the darkness.
