Monday, April 21, 2008

The News You Never Hear

Although it's amost always bad news,negative, I am led to keep up with what is happening on this earth.
I heard a *2 second blurb and looked for this story on all the MSM outlets and internet and it was not there.
(*it's as if it accidently slipped out from a local news network in the early hours of the morning and was subsequently buried)
Gee,I wonder why ?????
Reality is a mixed bag of negative and positive and to ignore one is to live outside reality .
God is the God of reality ,not the present day fantasy world created in the minds of a creation in rebellion against their Creator who are positively headed for eternal damnation.
Only then there be no escape from reality ever .

What is significant is the level of garbage(non-news,stupid entertainment,perversity) the U.S. media feeds us 24/7.
The important things that are happening they intentionally leave out.Everything that will severely impact us all shortly they leave out.
We are well versed in Lohan and Spear's.This is the planned and well thought out fattening of we the people before slaughter by Satan's elite who control almost everything today.
The dumbed down sheep are being herded to the slaughter fat and happy.
They don't want to alarm the sheep.
They are keeping the masses dumbed down and brainwashing them for their purpose driven agenda from Satan.
How easy their task is.

An example of this evil afoot has been the incessant day and night reporting as new of the false religious leader Pope Benedict visit to Babylon the Great,no detail however insignificant was left out.
The idol worshiper were out en masse to worship the earthly god they serve and bow before.
Makes you wonder why this pervert driven media has such a love affair with this one paganized christian religious cult leader ?
Is he Satan's unifying agent for all Christian's on the planet as he unites the world to bow and worship him ?
Those Christian's who will not bend their knee and kiss the Pope's ring finger will be labled as extremists,terrorist, troublemakers,lawbreakers,ect.
Back to the no news ,news
It was non stop and overdosed upon the masses by our media which any believer with open eyes can see is under the total control of the Prince of the Power of the air.
Can you say 'evil media',cause thats exactly what it is.

We are being programed and led by our government media pied pipers to the hell they have prepared for us and there is really no resistance from the Church in fact they are helping Satan's servants in this BABEL II effort.

God's people are dead asleep.

Matt 25 .Every virgin,ten of the ten were asleep.

* Here is the story you most likely didn't hear from the MSM

Here's 2 more interesting items.
One Bag Cap
The end is nigh


  1. Marcel,
    Forgot to mention that you can find Asher Intrater's website at It is wonderful, and he publishes an e-letter update.

  2. Thank you so much Kelly.
    I'm going to go there now.
