Thursday, April 17, 2008

Perverted Nation

A perverted nation does perverted things ,that is it's nature.
1.Wicked US court rules New Jersey school coach guilty of bowing his head during student prayer
A federal appeals court ruled a New Jersey high school football coach who bowed his head while students on his team led prayer broke the law.
The decision against coach Marcus Borden of East Brunswick High School, however, will be appealed, said John Whitehead, president of the Virginia-based civil-liberties group the Rutheford Institute.
"If this ruling is allowed to stand, it will mean that high school teachers across the United States will have no free speech or academic freedom rights at all," he said. "This undermines a time-honored tradition that has less to do with religion that it does athletic tradition. It's a sad statement on our rights as Americans that schools are no longer bastions of freedom."

2.The dumb sheep who should know better go along with the state and pay lip service to God because their religion is shallow and they always bend their knee to the Idol they serve.
No matter what evil , these evil men in power do their loyalty to this perverted kingdom is sure.
It's always happened since before Satan tempted Jesus to bow down to him and he would give Him all the kingdoms of this world.
Jesus didn't go for the short cut like so many have done before and after.

The hypocrisy of the U.S. Lawless Authorities in Texas in targeting one group for prosecution while turning a blind eye to other groups is despicable.
I'm against polagamy and Mormonism is a false religious cult .
Does that make them sub-human ?
How is it in America that Sodomites and Lesbian rights to perversion are protected under law and this sect is singled out under false accusations ?
They have already been found guilty of sex charges and their children seized by the Beast government & media without a trial .
These people are singled out because they are easy targets.
Like Pastor Neimuller said of Hitler's Third Reich in Germany ;
' When they came for the Jews I was silent because I was not a Jew.'
They're coming for the 'fringe' sects now.
All must bow their knee to the god of the State,Lucifer.
The false unproven accusation that children are sexually abused is the excuse to
destroy and divide whole families and steal their children to bring them up in the way of state approved abominations and wickedness.
I wonder how many of these children will be sent to live with perverted godless,homosexual and lesbian parents with the blessing of the state of Perverse Texas.
There is not a chance that the Texas CPS and Police would ever target a Moslem compound with the same accusations leveled against them or any other group for that matter.
They would never target a lesbian group accused of abusing their children
and even if a Moslem group was teaching jihad and murder of non-moslems the corrupt American system would turn a blind eye.(They have already)
It's not politically correct to go after anyone but 'Christian's',beginning with the fringe sects.
This is the beginning of Satan's persecution of Christian's here in America who oppose the New World Order and who will not bow theire knee to the perverse state.
Those Christians who have only one King ,Jesus are the ultimate targets.
You will be tolerated as a Christian if you put the state first and bow to it .They will allow you to be harlots in bed with them with a thin veneer of shallow religion as long as you bow to their Satanic new world agenda. You can't have two masters with Jesus as Lord ,but the state dosn't care as long as you bend your knee to their evil agenda.
The Beast starts with this unlawful,unconstitutional action against a selected group ,brands them as lawless criminals and destroys them.
Mark my words ,this is just the begining and sadly many Christians who play the whore to the Beast will help the god they serve and come against fellow Christian's who are obedient servants of Jesus Christ.
In fact it is evident that the godless and evil folks,lesbian's,leftist,athiest, men haters in places of power at Child Protective Services set this whole thing up to bring down this group.
If they don't like you they falsely accuse you and destroy you with the help of the state and their brown shirt police force with machine guns and armored personel carriers.
America is no more, we have a fascist police state who has placed itself above God ,the Constitution and the rule of law.
There is no due process under fascism.
What about all the rapist,child molesters and murderers that the state free's from prison early to go out and do it again
It's open season on Christian sects only.
I would much rather live next door to these people than to live with the criminals which the state rewards and protects.
How many children in Texas live in homes with evil parents who poison the souls of their children with the states blessing.
Look at the U.S. schoool system which poisons the minds of children against God and teach them perversity and poison their minds and souls.
Judgment day when God brings His justice (not Texas or American injustice) is coming
This group was an easy target for the growing fascist state of America


  1. You are right. Something about this was disturbing beyond just a cult not being free to practice their religion, and the possibility of abuse having occurred, but I couldn't put my finger on it. You just did.

  2. You hit the nail on the head brother. The devil is using the pervert leaders of this mormon commune as a tool to drop the hammer on all Christians...though these mormons are not christians..they are just mere tools in the devils hand...this is just another means to remove true christian children from true christian homes. Our government and our law makers are making a mockery of God's law, and God will not be mocked...we are asking for every ounce of judgment that is going to come upon us, and we will have no need to wonder why, when it comes, we will know full well why it has come...Amen

  3. It seems that the purpose of this mormon sect is for the men to fulfill their lusts and using religion to accomplish their goal of getting young girls.
    At the same time the perverts in places of power such as the judges ,lesbian's in charge of children & family services, lawyers ,police mustall be jealous and now getting in, seizing the children to abuse them also.
    I have absoutedly no trust or confidence in our God forsaking,corrupted system to do the right thing.
    I am sure they are doing and will do the wrong thing ,especially with these children.

  4. Yes Marcel, the children are the victims in all this, because of the sins of their parents, and also as you rightly say because of the sins of the corrupt sinful government social services...full of homosexuals and lesbians...truly sodom...soon they will be even more bold with their sin...God help us all..

  5. Now the children will have access to the internet and cable TV pornography,perverted government taught and sanctioned lifestyles, pharmaceutical drugs ,learn how to dress like sluts.
    moved from home schooling to government school's & their evil culture of violence and gangs,condoms and teaching that any kind of sex and sex outside of marriage is fine and where Evolution is the only religion permitted.
    They'll be fortunate if they ever see a Bible again,they sure won't see one in a government school.
    They go from bad to much, much worse.
    We must be careful whom we choose to side with.
    Joshua once asked Jesus whose side He was on. Joshua 5;13-15
    The U.S government AS ALL WORLDLY GOVERNMENTS is the beast,evil godless and ruthless and God will destroy it and those who serve it and not Him.
    We must be on His side alone.


    “To go in and take 416 children, that's ridiculous. I mean, were they all being abused? That's what they're gonna have to find out now. I don't think it's fair. I don't think government has a right to do that. They came in here too defending the children, but they ended up killing them,” Pace said.

    The dead, many of them children, are remembered with a stone monument in the making.
