Monday, May 05, 2008

Conversation's of a Reprobate

With all the deception and spin going on today ,what is the pure unadulterated truth ?
Purity has been watered down by the reprobate nation to accomodate evil.
How is it that so many of God's people compromise with lies and make excuses for liars ?
2 Thessalonians 2 :11-12 is written as a warning to believers who grow lukewarm,cold towards the truth and compromise with the forces of darkness,the lost are already damned.
Pat Tillman gave his life to a reprobate nation of liar's and deceivers ,rotten from the top to the bottom.
What a wasted sacrifice.The Liar in Chief would tell you different.
A deceived and misguided son of America who volunteered to fight for his country who thought there was still morality and good left in this reprobate land where evil has risen to rule and law's protect what is an abomination to God and where the $ bottom line is god.
At least now his mother and brother and many others know better,but they learned the truth at a heavy cost.
The majority of Christian's go along with the lie because they don't really love the truth.
They are comfortable in Babylon their chief joy and love.

They would tell me ;
shut up ,don't rock the boat,how dare you speak such evil against my god.
Thats what always happens,always from the beginning .

Fitting how the military strength (the power of empire) of new Babylon rules over old Babylon.
Even with this blaring biblical clue ,those who love not the truth miss the reality of who and what America has become.
Filled with the pride of hell,treacherous, reprobate.
To be comfortable and at ease in Babylon is to be damned along with her.

Potus - listen condi ,we got to get the Saudi's off our back ,they own most of the U.S. now and aren't happy with what's going on next door to them in Iraq or with the Palestinian state I promised them a long time ago.
We gotta give em some meat on the bone.
I know the Palestinian's aren't living up to their part of the agreements but we've got no choice ,we've got to deliver Israel on the platter or we lose important allies who keep us from sinking.
We owe them,in fact,the Chinese and Arab's own us.
We're sunk already ,we gotta keep the dream alive even though it's dead and buried.
We can't let this sink in with the public .
They still think old style ,like voting really matters or that we're a democracy.
Could you imagine the chaos if they ever knew what was really going on ?
Thats why I've got martial law ready when we can't play a convincing cover up anymore.
The Arab's want their pound of flesh ,and thank God ,that happens to be Jewish flesh now and we can deliver.

I don't have to remind you they want to see real progress in the Palestinian issue and we've got to deliver big for them.
You see how easy they can squeeze the life out of us with oil prices ,and we need them on our side against Iran.
That's gonna cost and it's better that it costs someone else and not us.
I'm sending you back to Israel to put more pressure on Olmert to deliver.
Make him understand ,O.K.
Olmert's still in my pocket ,they're as corrupt over there as we are.
You tell him it's time to move or else.
Condi - Yes George,I'll do my best,but I might have to get you on the line,they're waking up to the fact that the game is rigged.
Potus- We'll hit a PR goldmine with the Islamic world when we deliver a Palestinian state and we need all the good PR with them we can get if we're going to keep this ship of holes floating.
I've got to smile alot to keep things looking positive.It's hard work.
We gotta downplay the negatives when it comes to Israel and what we're requiring them to do. The media is with us on this as this is the only way to solve this problem, Jews occupying land once under Moslem control. Israel's gotta disappear.
Better a few Jews than the whole world if you catch my drift.
Condi -Do you really think if we give them Israel they will stand down with their global jihad ?
Potus -Gee, I sure hope so.
A reprobate nation has only reprobate leader's who have no morality only 2 minute camera soundbites and images.
Political expediency is the chief religion where friends and allies are sacrificed for self interests .
The truth is not important and always hidden when it exposes the evil nature of the reprobates.
That is why control,manipulation,spin,cover up, and deception are so important with reprobate's.
The the only motivating factor in decisions of reprobate's is me,myself and I.
God is just a useful concept to manipulate in the minds of the useful idiots who love to be deceived and led from delusion to delusion.
"And for this cause God shall send upon them a strong delusion ,so that they might believe what is false, in order that they all may be damned who did not love/believe the truth,but took pleasure in wickedness "
2 Thess 2:11-12
It is wickedness for Christians to be silent about the treacherous betrayal this president does against Israel ,the apple of God's eye.
Just like the German Chirstian's during the Third Reich who saw no evil ,heard no evil and spoke no evil against their fuherer of the fatherland.
Your silence makes your judgment alongside him sure.
Your lukewarm to death religion will not save you.
You have no excuse.
rejected as worthless or not standing a test :condemned
foreordained to damnation : morally corrupt :depraved
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
2 Corinthians 13:5

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