Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mourn With Those Who Mourn

Stunning & Staggering China Images

Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.Hosea 4:3


  1. Totally horrific images especially those of all the wee ones huddled in a heap, Oh Lord have Mercy on their innnocent wee souls. God reach out to those left behind and Lord lead some to you that they might have salvation. Bring comfort to all who seek you Lord, and send your angels to comfort them, give them a covering Lord that they may be able to bear their loss...Amen

  2. Hi Seed Sower and Marcel,

    Think God is trying to wake up Asia a bit? Burma, China, rice shortages.

    Same with the US fires in Florida. Pray you are safe Marcel. Here in Texas it seems like we are having weekly tornados. It been this way all over the central US.

    We have the "Christian" Bush and the pastors kid Condy Rice forcing Israel to give up land that God promised. How horrible will the judgement be on the US?

    Our economy is a house of cards teatering on colapse because of the greed of the rich.

  3. I thought about how hard Asia is getting hit after I heard San Francisco's mayor Gavin Newsome celebrate Sodom's 'great victory' yesterday over God and His creation.
    This week I watched an interesting program on the Minoan civilization and how they were completely destroyed in an unexpected instant. A major volcanic erruption and a major,major tsunami and get the feeling we will soon see this here in the land of the sodomite's and perverts who now rule.
    Can we be far behind as the evil forces,courts,saltfree Church,politician's,citizens all race to the abyss ?
    Its always been a sign of the end of a civilization since Noah's day and America has become reprobate and too lost to snap out of it's march to destruction.
    I think of those deceived Christian's who assumded their man, the lesser of two evils would lead America back, away from the brink ,He has accomplished the opposite with his devious,demonic inspired,smooth words, leadership
    How dead wrong they were ,now many of these under strong delusion Christian's run to another savior
    to save them and he will not.

  4. China is, and has been a major ally of Iran. She supports Iranian issues in the UN and is against strong sanctions against Iran. The dictatorship in China is directly responsible for the shaking of the earth and the deaths of the citizens of China.

    The citizens of a nation pay for the sins and policies of their leaders. Who is next?

  5. Which nation made China into the major power that it is today ?

    Thats who is next.
