Friday, June 20, 2008

PREPARED For The SLAUGHTER: The Disarming Of The Church

1998 by John Green-
exerpt -see above link for full text

Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed;as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe.” – NoahWebster of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1787.

“When the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually.” — George Mason of Virginia, 1788.

As history has shown, it is a common tactic for the oppressing force to gain control of a nation by seizing the means by which individuals might defend themselves. Once the citizenry are disarmed, it is a relatively easy matter to exert complete tyrannical control. It seems to me that the same principal holds true in the spiritual realm.
The New Testament is replete with warnings of false teachers and teachings, of lying signs and wonders, and of corrupt men who would seek to draw followers after themselves. God has not leftHis people defenseless.......


  1. The church has WILLINGLY turned in the full armor of God AND the sword of The Spirit for fables, contradictions, strange fire, strange doctrines and all manner of uselessness.

    Nobody took it away, they GAVE it away for another jesus.

    A jesus that doesn't exist.

  2. I am starting to understand Christ's question to His diciples if He would find faith on earth when He returned. It does not look good from here. Only the Holy Spirit can turn this thing around. I am hopeful that the reason God has let it get this bad is to show just how stupid man can be when he tries to do things on his own! Then, in the ultimate act of mercy, He restores those who have had a heart for Him from the beginning. We shall see. This thing will wrap up in our life time, I believe. jrpeacher
