Wednesday, July 02, 2008

פיגוע הטרקטור

Bastard Bush keeps pushing Israel to surrender to these devil's for no peace and keeps restraining Israel from responding with full force.
What an evil man Bush is with his counterfeit peace from hell.


  1. Over the last year or so, Sec. of State Rice has harped on Israeli closures and checkpoints. The attack today came from a Palestinian who lived in Jerusalem proper; but the principle is the same. Israel has every right to protect her citizens. Not only a right to protect, but a duty! The present leadership in Israel must go! I cannot understand how they are still in power!

  2. He was from the East Jerusalem burbs
    'the terrorist has been identified as 31-year-old Hosam Dwayyat, a father of two and resident of Zur Bahar'

    The part of Jerusalem's sovereign capitol that Rices' boss wants to make into the Islamic terrorist capitol.
    The evil and arrogance Bush visits on Israel will meet him and this country 10 fold if not more.

    Secretary Rice is a loyal employee of her boss and does as she is told to do.
    It's always against Israel for building homes or defending themselves and they always turn a blind eye to those who work without end to destroy Israel.
    The israeli puppet's for America's evil policy,How is it that you cannot understand why they are still in power ?
    I hope this below ,written in response to Caroline Glick's latest article helps you to understand.

    "Livni explained that Israel's legitimacy as the Jewish state is conditional. The Jewish people's right to sovereignty is completely dependent on Israel's acceptance by the international community."

    Dearest CAROLINE,
    It is no accident that Olmert,Barak and Livni are at the top in Israeli politics.
    There is a global agenda to bring true and lasting peace to the Middle East and that involves a weakened,neutered Israel ready for the final knife in the back.
    Defeatist Jews who no longer are willing to fight to defent their land and right to live are the only candidates alowed access to grovel before world leaders for whatever bone they may throw at the Jews.
    Only beggars like Livni and Olmert are allowed to approach with heads bowed.
    No strong leaders are permitted to rule Israel only defeatist,loyal lap dogs who do as they are told.Livni ,you have proven to be faithful and trustworthy to our agenda of destroying Israel by our brilliant and diabolical peace scheme.
    Israel could never be defeated by war ,but this peace farce has proven the perfect instrument to deball Israel and render her crazy for anything with the faintest odor of peace and therfore impotent under our spell.
    And so F.M. Livni we salute your defeatist ways which serve us so,so well.
    Remember how at the Annapolis Conference to dismember Israel and strengthen the Islamic terrorists sponsered by your closest friend and ally (F.M. Livni),your were told to use the servants side door so as not to offend the object of our adoration the Arab League ?
    Aaah ,you have proven to be such an obedient and loyal slave,mistress and whore all wrapped into one.
    This is the only way we tolerate our Jews in the International community.
    Thank the devil Israel has become so fearful to have any strong leader in place because they know we would cut them into pieces and throw them to the wolves ,which by the way we are already doing.
    How foolish these Jews are who place all of their faith in us ,the international community,ha,aha,ha
    They have learned nothing from history ,absoutedly nothing,as we now destroy them under the illusion of peace.
    We never thought it would be this easy ,at least we assumed they would put up a fight and not go so willingly to the slaughter again.
    You tired, naive Israeli's have yet to understand that Israel is a chosen sacrifice by the world community to the followers of the moon god allah.We tell your media who to tear down and who to raise up and they are so loyal to their masters and this is why only a weak,defeatist and capitulating leaders like Barak has risen to the top again.
    He did such a good job fleeing South Lebanon in the night that we determined he should be Defense Minister at this critical time. Our Ehud Barak singlehandedly birthed the defeatist state of Israel on the run,for that we are infernally grateful.
    Israel you Jews make such a good scapegoat now with an army which refuses to fight thank's to good puppets who always do as they are told.
    F.M. Livni,we thank you as we thank P.M Olmert and D.M. Barak for your beggardly servitude to us.
    For this we will make your end a little less painless than the other's.
    Please keep trusting us,it's working so well,this greatest of all Trojan peace schemes.
    with great feigned affection,

  3. I don't know if I would say Bush is a bastard..

    He IS of his father the devil so he isn't actually totally fatherless.

    Anyway looks like this guy wasn't actually a REAL terrorist, just a drug crazed lunatic.

  4. I was being restrained and polite when I calleed him a bastard.

    You fell for the ABC propaganda which in league with the CFR agenda to always hide the true face and agenda of the Palestinian's ?

    He wasn't drug crazed but recently returned to his Islamic roots.
    INTERESTING HOW ABC LEFT THIS OUT ,don't you think ?

    They sure fooled you ,and quite easily I might add.

    Read Caroline Glicks ;
    'Anatomy of a Massacre' at Jerusalem Post for what the evil CFR/ABC/U.S. Govt. devils left out.

  5. I was being restrained and polite when I calleed him a bastard.

    You fell for the ABC propaganda which in league with the CFR/Government Media agenda to always hide the true face and agenda of the Palestinian's ?

    He wasn't drug crazed but recently returned to his Islamic roots.
    INTERESTING HOW ABC LEFT THIS OUT ,don't you think ?

    They sure fooled you ,and quite easily I might add.

    Read Caroline Glicks ;
    'Anatomy of a Massacre' at Jerusalem Post for what the evil CFR/ABC/U.S. Govt. devils left out.

  6. Yeah, I gotta watch out for some of the stuff I find on Worthy News, thats where I found that story...

    I read Caroline's story and its definitely more believable than Worthy News.

  7. One of the first stories I read when this Islamic terrorist attack happened was that he yelled allah akhbar before three bullets ended his deadly rampage.

    It's not just worthy news,the whole earth is covered in darkness and the truth is getting harder to find.
    can you email worthynews and inform them of their propagation of deception.

    Talkback #9. Thank God J-Post has a token Jew on staff
    J-post printed 2 articles claiming the bullldozer attack was not an act of terror. One article was written by an arab,self-proclaimed Hamas spokesman. If it weren't for Caroline Glick, J-post would be able to copy its articles straight from El Jazeera.
    adam eliyahu Berkowitz - (07/05/2008 21:33)

  8. It is now going on seven years since the terror attacks of 9/11 and many of us have differing opinions as to what exactly happened that evil and tragic day. I have found that for everyone there is much emotion ties to it and that one tends to draw from their own personal experience in trying to explain those events.

    For example, my professional background and experience is with the major media and so I tend to look at things through their eyes. I have watched the media's coverage of all newsworthy events degrade over recent time and in particular, there is a reluctance to cover anything of scriptural significance (although It does get covered, just not for that purpose). For the undiscerning, the media in the West has become little more than the propaganda mouthpiece of an unholy marriage of big business and government. I say this as someone who would describe himself as a 'conservative' if not libertarian who generally believes in free markets.

    When one begins to understand the groups who own the media and the agendas behind them the picture becomes much more clear.

    I have watched as editorial departments have cut real news for fluff, local interests, and personal application stories all to their demise as the subscriptions continue to fall and therefore ad revenue. Meanwhile, I question how much is God now judging these organizations for their continued slant against Israel. (See related article posted now on the blog: Is Judgment falling the anti-Christian, anti-Israeli Press?)

    Not only that, but any article that does not fit the agenda of the media and the agenda of the power establishment receives one of a number of distortion treatments to sanitize it's effect.

    Take yesterday's report in the BBC: 9/11 third tower mystery 'solved' [Posted here]. This article is so biased it made me sick. First, the article headed under the title "BBC Conspiracy Files" already giving the impression that anything other than the "official report" is untrue. This is propaganda a la Mother Russia and it has been going on for years in America and the West. Just slap the term "Conspiracy Theory" onto anything you want to discredit and it and the sheep immediately jump on the bandwagon without a thought. THIS IS A MARKETING TOOL OF THE MEDIA. Please understand the deception techniques being used!

    Once you actually read the report you find that the so-called conspiracy theorists, in this case Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, actually have a much better case than the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It is actually quite a joke when you read the N.I.S.T. findings in light of the evidence and history.

    The point is that 9/11 has been used against America and Britain to further the cause of an anti-Christ system of Laws faster than anything anyone could have ever imagined and most Christians have gone right along with it blinded by a so-called Christian president all in the name of security. [See related 9/11 poll: Who do you think is responsible for the 9/11 Terror Attacks? posted on the Be Alert! Blog]

    This is my take on it at least, from an inside view of marketing and propaganda wing of the system of the beast. One that has afforded me quite an education to be able to do what I do for God's glory and one that I hope at some point I can eventually leave for brighter surroundings.

    This is the focus of this and a series of upcoming alerts, PAVING THE WAY TOWARDS THE MARK.

    The first in this series The Eyes of the LORD vs. eyes of Antichrist can be view here.

    Scott Brisk

  9. "can you email worthynews and inform them of their propagation of deception."

    I doubt it would do any good...

    They get a feed that updates automatically every minute from many sources.

    No way to manually edit such a monster..

    Guess I'll just have to be more careful.
