Saturday, August 23, 2008

An Evil Double Standard

Disproportionate force ?
This is one of the primary ways the U.S. uses to rein in Israel by the guilt card.
It only works on Israel and no one else.
I will bet you this news story will never be reported in the Israeli lap dog government/media.
It was barely reported in the U.S. media.
Why does everyone turn a blind eye to the never ending U.S. double standard used only against Israel ?
How is it that the U.S. is so quick to jump all over Israel when they are defending themselves against Islamic terrorists attacking their cities and on rare occasion a few civilians are killed accidently while the U.S. on a regular basis and far away from home has been killing civilians on a much larger scale for a long time with impunity ?
These same Islamic terrorists always hide behind their women and children or in mosques and schools while firing their rockets and mortars into Israeli cities and yet the hypocrite Bush with his arrogant double standard always find's a way of pressuring and restraining Israel while they themselves kill innocent civilians with extreme disproportionate force far away from American cities on a regular basis ?

The reason Hamas is a growing threat to Israel is because President Bush protects them by restraining and threatening Israel.

It's no wonder we are a cursed nation sinking fast.

To Israel, fearful of calling their master on this grand hypocrisy I say;get a spine and stand up or remain slaves !
Israel ,you are foolish to allow the U.S. to manipulate,restrain and intimidate you when it comes to defending yourselves against an intractable foe as we can see that the dubious president and his secretary always comes to the rescue of your enemies.
Afghanistan's president has criticised US forces for "unilateral operations" in the west which, the government says, killed at least 70 civilians.

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