Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Marks Musings

Thanks James for this link.Very Good message !!!


  1. Mark Watson is a fine brother.

    He still has a tad of Babnesia that rears its head every now and then though. Pray that The Lord would cure him of it once and for all!

    Mark said,

    "It is defiled and when elected officials take to mocking God when our founders once honored him you know that the rot in America is beyond repair."

    Our founders were disciples of Sir Francis Bacon who was looking to create the "New Atlantis" under the direction of his master Lucifer. They were NOT Judeo-Christian as we read in so many books written by heretics and charlatains, they were satanists to the core.

    They never honored the One True God, not ever. They pretended to submit to God, nothing else.

    Psalms 81:15 The haters of the Lord would pretend submission to Him, But their fate would endure forever.

    I refuse to honor a single one of them as in doing so, I would be weeping for Tammuz as it were.

    Isaiah 47:12 "Stand now with your enchantments And the multitude of your sorceries, In which you have labored from your youth-- Perhaps you will be able to profit, Perhaps you will prevail.

    "from your youth" says The Word of God.

    Freemasons created the US for their own selfish purposes.

    These satanists even saw fit to mock God with Washington D.C.'s street plan in which they placed a pentagram that ends it's "goat chin" smack dab on the White House front lawn!


    So no, they NEVER honored God, only their infernal master satan.

  2. This article is the heaviest I've ever read in my life....

    God's Purposes


  3. Babnesia ?
    It does seem we are all in need of refining and not there yet.
    How he could admire moonbeam Jerry brown who was trained by Jesuits is beyond me ,but praise God we're all spotted sheep.

    There is great hypocrisy and ignorance with Christian patriot's.
    Their nation was founded in rebellion against another King George of Great Britan.
    The bible warns us about the sin of rebellion against authority ,but they have made the 1776 revolution kosher.
    The U.S. was founded in rebellion and unlike Israel is not chosen and set apart by God as so many deceived Christians believe.
    There is nothing good or right about corrupt,perverted,rotted America asnymore .It's days are truly numbered as God's judgment are here.
    To whom much is given ,much is required.

  4. thanks for the herescope link.
    i haven't heard/read anything from Anton Bosch in a long time and he has always been superb.

    I shall read it shortly.

  5. Bab·ne·sia (bab-ne'zh?)
    The loss or impairment of memory as to the true location of Mystery Babylon due to heaping up teachers according to ones own desires and willful ignorance.

    Like I said though, he only has a tad of it from time to time anymore. It looks like he realizes how far gone Babylon is now but we all need to realize that it was ALWAYS gone, even from its youth. I know people want to find something good, anything, in the place they were born and raised. It saddens me and makes me so completely ashamed to have ever been a part of this whore in any manner whatsoever. And it also causes me concern that when I leave here that the stain of being from Babylon will cause my family grief. I don't want to suffer for the fault of being a Babylonian but for the cause of Christ.

    1 Peter 2:20 For what credit is it if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently? But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God.

  6. I know you gave me some information on this a while back.
    It's a good time to get the word out.

    As for mark's babnesia slip's,
    It only take a little leaven.

    I'm not sad ,only thankful that jesus has opened my eyes.
    He's going to judge Babylon and not me.
    All we can do is speak the truth in love and warn those who can not,will not see.

    Like God said to Israel ;
    let the idols you worshiped save you .
    Go to your american flag and your democrat ,republican corrupt idol's and see if they will save you or hear your prayers and cry's for help.
    Because God says he will not hear them in their time of need which is at the door.

  7. Yes, it is true about a little leaven...

    Thats why I pray that Mark snaps out of ANY Babnesia at all.

    The slightest thought that there could be ANYTHING good past, present or future in Babylon could lead us to be deceived.

    If the whole word lies under the sway of the wicked one, how much more under sway is it in the whore that has corrupted the whole world at his direction?

  8. Marcel, James,

    Thank you for posting the 'Marks Musings' link.


    I must read more of Marks musings!

    I downloaded this,

    yest, and read it.

    Good stuff to read!
