Thursday, September 11, 2008

Do You Remember?

September 10, 2008
Ellen Cary,
Prophetic Minister

It's been seven years since the day so many want to forget, but the Lord doesn't want us to forget, but to remember & repent of the sins that continue to plague this country, & especially the church, who God has been speaking to, but His voice has been falling, for the most part, on deaf ears.
I remember 9/11 very well. I was living in Carlsbad, CA at the time, & my mother, who had been visiting me for a month, was scheduled to return home that day, so the plan was to go to the airport that morning. She had the TV on in the living room when I got up, & I was in the bathroom planning to get in the shower. The knock on the door was unexpected, & when I opened it, the look on her face was total fear, & when asked what was wrong, she told me to come look at the TV. They were showing the re-play of the towers being hit by the planes in NY. I will never forget my reaction, because I really had none. All I said very quietly was, "it's begun". I thought it was so strange that I had absolutely no surprise at all, much less shock. That might seem harsh to some, but after the word God had given me years before, that I recently sent out, there just wasn't any surprise for me, which I even thought was strange.
I am not an early morning riser, & tend to go to bed later than I should most of the time, which last night was actually about 1:00 am this morning. I was very tired, but couldn't go to sleep, so as I often do, lay in bed praying, worshipping the Lord with beautiful music playing on the stereo. At 2 am, just as I thought I was drifting off to sleep, I heard the Lord speak & tell me to "get up & write". The following is what God spoke to me, as I scribbled it down while half asleep. Today I typed it out, then God had me call an internet radio program & speak it out over the airwaves. I was trembling as I still do most times I give a prophetic corporate word to the body, even though I've prophesied for nearly 30 years. The thought of speaking something in my flesh terrifies me to this day, so know that is my posture as I send this out.

Prophetic Word -
September 10, 2008
The seven year cycle is over. I have called & you have not answered. I have warned over & over, but you have refused to hear. You shepherds who sit in your high towers have told my sheep that I didn’t cause the towers to fall, that I didn’t bring Katrina for destruction, that the floods & fires aren’t at the hand of my judgment, teaching them that all power is not mine, so they learn to not heed my warnings, they learn to not hearken to my voice because they believe your lies, & for this you false shepherds will pay a high price. I call you false for you have turned from my divine plan for your life. You’ve allowed the enemy to entice you with the pleasures of this world, the riches & loftiness of sitting in high places.
You have exalted your throne above mine in making the choices you have to please men, to tickle their ears & tell them what they want to hear rather than telling them the truth.
Few there are that are listening to my voice & calling my church to repent of their wicked ways for they have gone the way of the world, their lives are compromised & not set apart for me to live in the holiness I’ve commanded.See now you false prophets who speak lies of peace & safety, you shall all be brought down by my Elijah’s I’m about to release upon the land.
They will smite you with the sword of the spirit that will come forth from their mouths & it shall be wielded with precision & accuracy.
You that have given yourselves a title of apostle, know ye not it is only the Lord God Almighty who decides who I call as an apostle, or any of my ministry gifts to my body for their edification & growth to build my church. You gather together in your convocations to discuss your lofty plans of dominating my earth, but you know not of what you speak for this world will never be dominated by your flesh. It is only by my Spirit that my Kingdom is established on the earth because it is established in the hearts of those I choose. My true apostles are in the fields of the world, in the dark places establishing my kingdom for I have sent them, I alone, & no man, for I called & I instructed & I gave the order to go & they have obeyed my voice to not only listen to obey my call, but to be chosen to follow my orders. They are nameless, & they are faceless only to you, for I l know their names, & I know their faces, I know their hearts & I know their minds for they seek only my will, not to build their mighty kingdoms, as you have done & for this they shall be rewarded greatly, for they are true warriors & true soldiers of the cross who have died to their own plans & purpose & allowed me to send them out for my glory only, nothing to exalt themselves, but only me, for they recognize they are but dust willing to be blown by the wind of my Spirit to wherever I will them to go. Theseshall have great reward in my house for they have layed down their lives for the sheep, some even to death, never even thinking they are great or doing anything for recognition in my body, but only having a heart to follow after me & being obedient to my word. Yes, the time has come for all false ones to be exposed for you want to beleaders but you lead my sheep into the darkness & for this the blood of many will be on your hands.
The hour has come for your judgment America, the great America who I have blessed to such measure that all the world envies you, but shortly in an hour you think not, you shall fall & the whole earth will groan & the nations will lament & rejoice at the same time for your greatness shall be over.
Ellen Cary,
Prophetic MinisterDaystar Healing Ministries
P.O. Box 736Keller, TX

I don't see an election happening in November for the idol worshipers of America.
I'm not alone ,a few others can see there is no future left for America .


  1. I remember when my husband called on 9-11, 2001 and told me what was going on. After the second plane hit, my first thought was some country may have declared war on us, and later they would drop bombs and there would be a ground invasion. My second thought was, what does the government have to do with this and what was their motive? I wasn't very surprised at the possibility of either scenario. We're long overdue.

  2. for sure God has given us enough warnings and His patience has been incredibly longsuffering.
    Even that eventually comes to an end when the heart of the nation is heardened beyond turning.

  3. A brother I know thinks we'll never see a November election as well.

    Doesn't much matter as either way, Babylon is falling, and soon as far as the signs look.

  4. And BTW, lately I have had an urging to tell brethren to get oil and quickly.

    As in Matthew 25 wise virgin oil.

    Get all you can get.

    You'll need it as night comes when no man can work.
