Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Emerging Freedoms of the Fascist, Police State

GALVESTON, Texas (AP) - About 250 people who withstood Hurricane Ike on a coastal sliver of land will be forced off it so crews can begin the recovery effort, authorities said Tuesday, vowing to invoke emergency powers to make it happen......
The Texas attorney general's office is trying to figure out how legally to force the holdouts to leave, Yarbrough said. Local authorities are prepared to do whatever it takes to get residents to a safer place.
The peninsula is too damaged for residents to stay, and with no gas, no power and no running water, there is also concern about spread of disease, officials said.
"I don't want to do it," Yarbrough said. "I'm doing it because it's in their best interests."

Galveston County Judge Jim Yarbrough said today that the holdouts on Bolivar Peninsula will be required to leave in the next few days. Officials are prepared to impose martial law if needed to empty the barrier island scraped clean by Ike

The American people no longer have rights when the all wise overlords determine what is in their best interests.
Those who are able to fend for themselves and want to remain and pioneer on their land no longer have a choice. The state has spoken and if you don't listend ,the Army,Navy,Marines,Air Force,SWAT FBI,CIA,Special Forces wil be sent in and if need be,kill you into compliance.
You will be made an example of to all who would disobey the new god in charge.
The Skull & Bones Bush, and upper echelon planned New World Order,the state is god. Make no mistake about it.
This is only the beginning and we will see more freedom camps set up to house people removed from their land for their own good.
America land of the free ,home of the brave ?
Only if you're a cartoon character or get your information from them or Fatherland Security.

1.Fascism : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

The AIG bailout by the state was a fascist move,we are well on our way,dear loyal taxpayer.

Pink Bunny Slippers

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