Saturday, September 27, 2008

July 20, 2007

Handwriting on the Wall.
Very interesting start to this Shabbat morning September 27th,2008 for me.
The Lord led me to read Daniel 5 this morning and just around noon I was going to delete
a link I had placed on my desktop which someone had left at my blog not too long ago.

Instead ,I opened it and was 'surprised' by the message 'Handwriting on the Wall'
enough for me to post a link to it here.
As I read Daniel this moring what stood out more than before was how soon after King Belshazzar toyed and played with the holy things of God as Bush now does with Israel,he was dead and the 'enemy' King Darius of the Medes,and PERSIANS had taken over Babylon.
I get the feeling our time is very short

As John points out the Church has failed miserably and is so blind it cannot even connect what
our President has been doing against Israel and our soon destruction.
As long as it does not affect their wallets this selfish Laodecian Church is silent and dosn't care.
No outcry until their selfish world is endangered.
Now it will all affect their wallets and God will not hear their cry .It's too late for many.


  1. The Lord allowed me to send this out to my mailing list....
    Can verify this.

    Saturday, August 25, 2007 6:29 PM

    Lord Jesus I pray that you will please confirm these words to my beloved and the saints you have called out for the time such as this.

    Lord Jesus we pray that your divine hand will lead and guide us to what is required of us.

    All praise to Thy Name King Jesus,we exhalt Thee!!

    Daniel Chapter 5
    By Coll Abigail 25/08/07-UBC Library.

    MENE :God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.

    TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.

    PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

    Just in the days of ancient Babylon,He had given them over to their enemies are we about to witness the very same destruction on Mystery Babylon?

  2. Coll,
    It seems not a few are seeing the handwriting on the wall and it's interpertation.

    Sorry pal ,no Al and Mystery Bob.

    WHo is this Bob anyways.

    I haven't heard anything recent from Mr. Cuppet.It's like he disappeared ?
    As you pointed out before WW seems to hope Babylon can be saved.
    Where is Israel in his theology ? is going to do an 'economic emergency' radio program Sunday 7 pm edt having ot do with the Asian markets and the U.S. Congressional economic bailout talks going on this Sat&Sunday.

  3. Hi Brother,

    I dunno. I just got that pdf via email today from a brother I met on one of the forums.

    I'll take a look around Watsons and see if I can find out more.

    Brother James

    PS: Doesn't seem that there is any hope from reading the whole thing. Sounds like we all get dashed to pieces, plundered and ravished like Isaiah 13:16 states.

    PPS: I showed your blog to some of the outcasts from the forums. A few of us got banned from RS and NITW forums for speaking the whole truth.

  4. OK, here is what I found:

  5. Found it at Steve's also:

    Still can't find out who "Bob" is?

  6. God's balance is true and fine tuned. We have sinned beyond measure and arrogance in America. How the mighty have fallen; Jerusalem is the stone that will break to pieces anyone who touches her touches God Himself.

    How can our leaders be so stupid! It is like they have an oil glaze over their eyes!

    Thank you Brother Marcel for the article you mentioned concerning Daniel 5. This Brother hit the nail squarely on the head.

  7. It is like they have an oil glaze over their eyes!

    It's more an evil glaze that is just an extension of what is in their heart.
    No matter how good an actor,crafty deceiver a politician may be,what is in his heart always eventually comes out.
    What is so terrible is the complete lack of discernment withing the Church which is so easily led by everyone but Jesus.

  8. Whoever Al 'joint chiefs of staff' blah,blah,blah
    (and his mysterry dreamer Bob who can't speak for himself)
    is he's hasn't been around for some time,and so it's recycled stuff.
    He's disappeared.
    Read his stuff years ago and he's in my Babel file like Barry Chamish is, a big ?

    I just don't know who the dis-information ,confusion and babel ones are in our midst,but they are here.

    I understand why Watson put up a warning disclaimer ,but why did he even post the 'stuff' ?

    'A few of us got banned from RS and NITW forums"

    Are you surprised ?

    'Rejoice when they throw you out of their clubs and call you all manner of names for my name sake'

    Thata a paraphrase of Jesus' message to those who do not follow into the great apostacy.

  9. Isaiah 13:16 sums it up in one verse. We know for SURE that is going to come to pass.

    RS and NITW = Revival School and Narrow is the Way.

    Andrew Strom isn't as much for the truth as it might seem. His mod is a woman that stomps out the quoting of the scriptures like Ahab's wife.....

    Neither of those forums will receive that America is Mystery Babylon the great and many other truths of the Word.

    They say, "America is no more evil than any other country...etc..." :rolleyes:

    They also call quoting even the New Testament, "The letter that kills", a clearly Cathloic doctrine.

    And yes, we must rejoice when cast out!

    Luke 6:22.23 22 Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake. 23 Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, For in like manner their fathers did to the prophets.

  10. Every email I have sent to A.Strom he has never responded to.
    All he did is re-suscribe me to his list.
    He was decieved by the KC Prophets and he is in another fog.
    I agree with you 110% on his blind leading the blind status and his choice of a woman to moderate which is always a death sentence for the truth as the truth is almost always offensive to the soft,fluffy emotions of most women.
    An example of this is Elijah's curse on the children who mocked him.
    The majority of easily led and deceived women will stand with the children against the prophet.
    And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
    And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
    2 kings 2:23
    Women control way too much in the church today and it's the fault of the sissey men.
    My guess is I have offended Andrew and others by speaking the truth about their lord and idol Bush.

    Ingrid Schuetter of Discernment ministries falls into this same sin of silence.
    WIth so many of these 'christian' groups it is a grave sin to speak evil of their god Bush who is to remain untouchable.
    They also ignore Israel and her plight and have a selfish focus on their idol nation of many idols.

    I was receiving David Wilkerson's Pulpit series since the 80's and after Hurricane Katrina I wrote back and asked why they put a picture of Bush surrounded by his volunteer's workers down in New Orleans on his pulpit series messages and that was it ,they removed me from the list and I never heard from them after years of financially supporting and stand with them.
    No explanation or correction,or even a rebuke against me,nothing.

    This Idol in the Church ,George Bush is a powerful one as is their subservience to the State above the Lord in their 501c3 Government status.
    I have committed the unpardonable sin among my false brethern by being obedient to Ephesians 5:11
    as it is taboo in the majority of ministries to speak the truth about their true lord.
    Many of them will easily betray the Lord to maintain their $ tax exempt status.
    Just as the majority of German Christians went along with their elected leader Adolph Hitler by their silence,so today the church is silent and frowns on those who speak out against the wolf in sheeps costume who divides Israel with his counterfeit peace from hell.

  11. A coworker the other day told me "I don't know if I believe Bush is trying to divide Israel."

    I said "Are you kidding me?" And told him 3 incontrovertible truths about the situation, and he said "Well, I could be wrong, I don't know." A few days later, he again said he's not so sure Bush is trying to divide Israel. You'd think after all this time, they would see the light. It's very aggravating. He also doesn't think we've had any financial collapse even though that's what it's being called.

    I was banned from Rapture Ready years ago for telling the truth about Bush. It's almost a badge of honor to be among the banned.

  12. I think if is all really boiling down to one's stand on Israel. Israel is the measuring stick regarding the workings of God in these last days. We have reached the time when the nations of the earth are but dust on the balances; to be blown away at God's will in His time. I feel a massive move of the Holy Spirit will occur during the judgement coming upon this nation and the world. But, on a national decision making level, where nations form alliances and so forth, Israel is the measuring stick. All nations are coming up short in that regard. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth!

    Thanks be to God that we are but foreigners and pilgrams like Father Abraham! We are citizens of another place! Children of the Great King of the universe!

    Soon, very soon, after great tribulation, we will be with Him for eternity.

    It will be worth it all-
    When we see Jesus-
    Lifes trials will seem so small-
    when we see Him-
    One look at His dear face-
    All sorrow will erase-
    So gladly run the race-
    Till we see Christ!

  13. I've had the same stubborn blindness from so many who see the political process as their way of salvation,their messiah.

    I've given up on them and if they ever come crying to me ,I'll tell them to go cry to their great hope McCain or Obama.

    What we are seeing is God exposing what is really in their heart and the truth does not have any part in their judgment because in reality they love lies more than the truth.

    They hate the truth and love lies and this is why they are damned.
    2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

    These who love their false god and false hope never allow the truth or reality to stain their shiny idol so whatever truth you tell them is soon forgotten ,thrown away.
    They have great faith lies and delusion.
    What is so disgusting is the silence of Christian's who are too cowardly to speak up.
    They have no salt ,and are worthless.

  14. Amen Randy ,that is God's agenda.
    The evil and treachery now bring done against Israel by a supposed friendly nation is the most vile and wicked of sins and yet the Christians in America are silent.
    Now as their wallets are threatened they rise up in anger,these hypocrites.

    The Time's of the Gentile's is wrapped up,done,finished and Israel is God's judgment stick.
    The pride of the proud blinds them so they cannot see,we are nothing but dust and an ash heap as so many other civilizations thru history..............but Israel remains forever.

    Jeremiah 51:17-33 .
    We gentile nations are at the time of harvest for the daughter of Babylon and it's going to be a bloody one.

    Ephesians 2:12 That is my citizenship.
