Tuesday, October 14, 2008



When people ask me what is the cause of the current economic situations, I simply tell them, open criminal activity by the elite. When you ask why do we have a "real estate crisis", I will tell you because the real estate system was corrupt. The banks were corrupt. The real estate appraisers were corrupt. The regulators were corrupt. The rating agencies were corrupt. The politicians were corrupt. The media was corrupt. No one cared about this open sleaze, this pus on the body economic, except a few cranks like myself howling uselessly on the fringe. And now that corruption has cost us the American Republic. So be it. What happens next will happen quickly................
The NWO took specific actions to create the current crisis. It was the NWO bought and paid for politicians who voted to repeal the Glass/Steagall act several years ago. The results were predictable. It was the corporate media whores who shilled shamelessly the open greed that is the true religion of the United States. It was the regulators who ignored mounting signs of trouble. And it was the American people, who allowed it to happen by buying into the lies and the deceit called the modern American economy. We have lost our freedom; soon enough, we will lose our lives. We have sold our honor for economic growth; now we have neither honor or economic growth. Soon enough we will have economic collapse, followed by the open brutality at the core of the New World Order.......

The global stock markets are surging on the news the governments of the world will take equity stakes in various banks. The stock markets are too stupid and arrogant to even understand what this means. I believe it was Lenin who said, "We spit on the capitalists and they call it dew."

It is truly ironic this NWO solution. No doubt in their paneled bunkers the 300 are laughing at the rest of us. A Republican administration, under the compassionate conservative, has replaced the American Republic with open fascism. Our Afro Marxist Obama won't have much left to do in the economic sphere anyway after his coronation on November 4th. This is the way the NWO works. Bush and Paulson destroy the American Republic and the American economy, while Obama goes for the next phase of NWO social engineering. Modus Operandi yet again.

Doug Mcintosh

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