Saturday, October 04, 2008

Marked for Judgment ?

1.And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand. Daniel 8:25
(from Watsons Web)
2.Around the world Christians are being viewed with suspicion and are treated with hatred and or violence. As our world slips further into the chaos of 'situational ethics' expect anyone who believes in right and wrong (like the followers of Christ) to be hated. It is the new ethics of of the modern era that are to blame for so much of the worlds problems. Why is the world at war? Violent men believe that killing is the way to solve differences, the man in the White house as well as the Muslim in the desert. Each climbs on his dunghill of evil and violence and absolves himself of the very crimes he accuses his opponent of.
This is the real result of modern and situational ethics. It encourages the worst kinds of hypocrisy, followed by evil of every nature because it fits the 'situation'. The absolutims of Christ's words, love they neighbor as thyself and blessed are the peacemakers' are rejected for an oil contract and a machine gun toting prostelyte.
Christ and his followers are not the problem.
The problem walks on two legs and has polluted the earth turned portions of the sea into dead zones and is on a course to start a war unlike any in history.
Some say that makes me a pessimist. No, actually I am a realist whose faith in God and Christ makes me a total and complete optimistic about my future, though I know the road is full of thorns and thistles. You see, I have had a very personal encounter with Christ and he has told me (just a little) of my place here and the world to come.
About the world I live in, I am a realist. A cold-eyed, realist. I have no illusions of what man is and what he is capable of. This makes me very different from those who are optimistic. Their optimism is a not based on the realities but on hope, false hope. I read a lot of financial, Christian and even a smidgen of new-age people and there is optimism for the future.
I see the groundwork being laid for a new order in the not too distant future.
I know what Christ said would happen and it is happening right before our eyes. I know that things are going to get so bad people will be committing suicide on a mass scale and men will die from fright at the things that they will be seeing. I am under no illusions about what is coming, I see it with both my cold hard analytical eyes and the spiritual eyes Christ has given me. I know the old paradigms of the past are gone, and we are in uncharted territorry.
There are too many people and not enough food, water and energy for all to live the 'good life'. This is why wars will be fought in the future.
What man does not have he will steal from his brother and if he tries to defend himself, he will murder him. That is man, the real man, the many optimists do not like to talk about. I know that evil forces are doing what they can to destroy the message of God's love, hope and truth.
They are busy with their messages of hate and murder and are scouring the globe to find Christians to kill. I am neither surprised nor discouraged. I know what man is and what he is capable of.
These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you. (John 16:1-4)

I really like what Candidate 3 stands for, but he has no chance of winning. If I vote for Candidate 3 I am wasting my vote. In fact, if I vote for Candidate 3 it will be the same as voting for Candidate D since it will siphon votes away from Candidate R. I know Candidate R is really not what the country needs, but Candidate D is really, really scary!?This is a 'let us do evil, that good may come' proposition.That is, let us vote for an acknowledged, although supposedly lesser evil ('let us do evil'), so that the supposed greater evil won't win ('that good may come'). This path has led America consistently to the left for at least the last 50 years! The 'lesser' evil has become progressively more evil, so that we have arrived at what Pastor Chuck Baldwin refers to as 'the evil of two lessers'!The flaw in this logic is two-fold:
1. God's people are never required or commanded in scripture to do the 'lesser' evil. We are commanded to do what is right.2. Under the 'lesser of two evils' argument, we may only vote for whichever candidate has a 'chance' of winning the election.
To put it another way: How evil would a candidate have to be dear reader, before YOU refused to vote or voted for a 3rd party candidate?(end excerpt) This is what I have been saying for years. You are only going to get more federal crime, theft, lies, murder, wars, bribery, etc if you go on with politics as usual. I have news for you, God is not going to absolve you from personal accountability in choosing evil over good, lies over truth, war over peace, hate over love...

I've been saying the same thing to my fellow Christians for many years ,but the pride of their hearts has led the majority astray and into the last days strong delusion.
Hal Lindsey and the majority of deceived shepherds are a good example of this.
For many years they have made excuses and defended their Lord,the wolf.
The fact that so many of these backslid in heart Christian's chase after macho man Sarah Palin after they were fleeced by their last false messiah George is a serious mark against them and their confession of faith in Jesus and not this evil,corrupt system.

Your voting hand has you marked with the mark of this evil beast government and you are a partaker of her sins.
God is not excusing your blindness.


  1. Excellent arguments against choosing the lesser of two evils. Also, a lot of people tend to vote for whoever can make their lives the most comfortable. Whoever will keep us in oil, even if we have to kill and steal to have it, and whoever will give us the most benefits. Is this righteousness?

  2. Not God's righteousness ,but man's.
    They figured God was in on their plan to elect their man Bush in 2000 and 2004.
    God was never in their small,vain,flesh,self centered plans.

    We never measure up as His ways are not our ways.

    The selfish aspect of man's false righteousness will grow more evident when their wealth and wallet's suffer.
    That's when you will see them in the streets which is soon.

  3. Yes, the ones who refuse to prepare saying they have faith God will take care of them, in some cases it might be true but some of those same people will be willing to steal and kill for food, proving they don't have faith God is about to provide for them. Some of them have faith in the system to work it all out. Bush will take care of it.

  4. Like the five foolish virgins of Matthew 25 when all 10 are suddenly awakened,they will say we have no oil ,give us some oil.
    The response ;
    Sorry we have none to give you ,go to those who sell.

    It's not for sale ,it's a free gift from Jesus that they did not keep in supply.
    Like you said ,they trusted in the salesmen/politicians and not Jesus.

  5. Marcel worte, "It's not for sale ,it's a free gift from Jesus that they did not keep in supply.
    Like you said ,they trusted in the salesmen/politicians and not Jesus".

    Thinking of the pandemonium and how frantic all ten were after being awakened from their sleep; fixing and refreshing themselves then looking down at their lamps, found no oil at all--desperate.

    The five wise could no more give of their oil, than a true believer can give to soemone else the Holy Spirit. We must pray and ask to recieve the Holy Spirit before midnight in this 11th hour. The Bible says ALL ten fell asleep just as the whole church is asleep. Many christians live as though the wedding day has been called off.

  6. I look around at the church starting with myself and see our condition is not good.
    The Laodecian church assumes she is in good shape.
    That is the wrong attitude for any of us to have.

  7. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12 KJV)

    I think I may have read this once here on this site that we must take every project prisoner to obey Christ...the Scripture reads,

    Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)

  8. The weapons of our warfare are carnal,go out and vote is what much of Christiandumb is now doing.

    I think it's very possible this election outcome will lead to perescution of Jews and Christians.

    Jesus will refine,purify His bride and seperate her from her love affair with this world.
