Thursday, October 09, 2008

Wheat & Tares

exerpt - mark watson

I say this to each of you for a very important reason. This is a major crisis. I saw it coming, by God's grace and his grace alone. I warned you about it. I wrote for 2 years about it regularly outlining to you what the devil was trying to obscure from your minds, that a major, world changing crisis was coming. There was a spiritual impetus behind it. Fraud, usury, corruption, lies, murder (oh yes, cold-blooded murder) and thefts... these are things that God hates with a perfect hatred. 'Christian' sites did not want to hear it. It wasn't 'spiritual enough'. Simply put, the Christianity many of these sites and prophets profess is not a practical (to put in PRACTICE), but an esoterical, theoretical and ultimately USELESS form of spirituality.
If they were not outraged by what was going on, then what spirit were they talking to? I did my best to talk in a way that was accessible to the average person so they could see, not only the crisis that was approaching and could be clearly seen in the data, but also that the spiritual entity that was behind our monetary system had nothing to do with God. Why can't people, even some prophets see it?
Why are they still unconvinced of the Harlot's identity?

That answer comes in many categories, much of it is greed. Some of it fear (of being controversial and being an outcast in their little 'circles of internet deceit' they belong to), or another major problem; hidden idolatry. They sill have America in their hearts and love her to death. They will fight, kill, murder, destroy anyone or anything that threatens the great whore. Do people want to hear this? Nope.
They have already made up their minds about the lies they will never give up; 'these are not the end times', 'America is not Babylon', 'God will rapture us out before the trouble starts', 'Jesus will not come for many millions of years from now'... if these things are not stated openly, they are still in a great many 'Christian' hearts.The times that are coming are days that will try mens souls.
Many of you have scoffed at God's true watchmen and heaped onto yourselves false prophets because you have itching ears (or itchy palms). These are the ones who are still spiritually attached to that which God will curse and curse in such a way that the whole world will gasp and the suddenness and totality of it.
Because she is going down suddenly and violently.
This is one reason this economic crisis may not be as long as some think. Our divine D-day may be sooner rather than later. But I think (my own opinion) that we have a little time left.
But the economic pain to be felt in the US will become more and more severe as the days pass.
Use the time wisely.

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