Sunday, October 26, 2008

Whose Law will we Obey ?


'We Refuse to Allow Gov't to Pave the Way for Palestinian State'"We refuse to remain silent in light of the pattern that is becoming clear here," she added. "They wish to destroy and choke us off so that they can hand over the area for a Palestinian state. Yesterday, they brought in 550 so-called policemen into Hevron for 'security,' and at night they destroy Jewish homes. We will not allow this to happen."

The Israeli Kadima,Labor Bolshevik in black shirts raided a house in Kyriat Arba in the middle of the night to terrorize and break the will of faithful Jews who * obey God instead of evil men.
They destroyed the house of this family,something these faithless unJewish cowards will not do against the palestinian terrorists murderers homes in East Jerusalem.
The evil media who serve Satan are experts in demonizing those faithful to God and not the evil state which is in rebellion against Him.
Many of those in Israel nad here in America assume that the stste has the final word and it is the final law.
These godless one's ignore God and have made a god out of the state.
They are in for a big surprise.

The enemies of God who rule Israel make war against the remnant faithful Jews who* obey and fear God.
They go to war against these heirs of salvation, Jewish saints in order to implement the agenda of their evil master President Bush for his Palestinian terrorist state on Israel's land.
The salt free U.S. church is silent because it is in in bed with the devil and will receive of his judgment.
God has drawn a line in the sand and those who stand with Him are small in number.
WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON ,the state or God ?

Jews who saw the "wanton and cruel destruction" in Kiryat Arba this past midnight cursed perpetrators, while media and government attack the victims.
The events of the night in Kiryat Arba, in brief:
Special Yassam anti-riot forces arrive at 1:30 AM to destroy family home in unauthorized Kiryat Arba outpost - breaking windows over sleeping children, punching mother and children, destroying property, throwing books, yelling, and separating baby from mother in the process.
Hysterical eyewitnesses are recorded cursing perpetrators of destruction.
Radio and internet sites headline reports with news of the eyewitnesses' "incitement."
Government convenes, condemns Kiryat Arba residents; Prime Minister Olmert says, "We are sick of this verbal incitement which leads to violence. I expect to hear from the Defense Minister and Justice Minister what is to be done against these people."

Media: Ignoring the Real NewsOne Kiryat Arba resident said, "Instead of dealing with the destruction of a home, the media concentrates on a couple of crazies... Instead of interviewing Elisheva Federman about how her children were thrown out of their home in the middle of the night and their house destroyed, they look for an extremist speaking against the IDF."
Journalists and cameramen were not permitted to enter the site of the destruction until around 7 AM. MK Uri Ariel had sharp words against this decision: "It is not coincidental that when journalists are not allowed in, complaints of severe police violence, unauthorized evictions, and acts of cruelty by the forces start streaming in." Ariel said that Defense Minister Barak must find out who was responsible for this decision and to ensure that journalists are allowed everywhere unless there are clear security needs otherwise.
What now for the Federmans? "We will return and build it again. This is our land, and we believe with our entire essence that G-d wants us to be there. We will return at any cost, even if we have to live in a tent."

It's truly amazing how the cowardly criminals who rule Israel to ruin will not raze the homes of the Islamic killers from East Jerusalem with innocent blood on their hands but they have great courage to go after fellow Jews who oppose their failed,cursed agenda.
May justice fall on them as it did on Ariel Sharon for his evil in removing the obedient people of Gush Katif.

'And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them.
And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God.'
Amos 9:14-15


  1. Amos 9:14-17 is as true as me sitting here typing on my keyboard. It will happen in His time; and that time is soon.

    The process is not pretty. It is ashame that we are so hard headed a nation, both Israel and the USA, that God has to use very severe measures to bring us to our senses; it is almost as if He has to put a bit and bridle in our mouths and beat us into realizing what is happening! How this method must break our Father's heart!

    He is tender, loving, kind, and gently. He loved us enough to take the form of one of us and be punished and die on a cruel cross. Yet, most reject, snear, and ignore Him; in both Israel and the USA.

    He knows how to get the attention of both nations. And, as I said, it is not going to be a pleasent thing to live through, if we do live. No matter how severe they may be, His judgments will bring many to their senses before the end of all things is upon the earth.

    Let us intercede on behalf of those who may have a heart leaning His way; that they will commit 100% to Him and repent of their foolishness.

  2. 'It is ashame that we are so hard headed a nation, both Israel and the USA'

    It is a shame that you place Israel in the same equal status as the U.S. when one is the arrogant bully forcing it's agenda on the much smaller and weaker nation.

    Shame on you !

  3. All have (both nation's) have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Both need to repent of their unbelief, arrogance, and pride. The USA in their military might, as Israel, has placed missles, jets, bombs and Patriot missles in place of God.

    Moshe Dayan, the great General of the 1967 war gave the Islamist Palestinian Authority the Temple Mount on a platter; thumbing his nose at the Almighty.

    Both nations are as guilty as the other. Both nations must repent and alter course.

  4. How blind you are to ignore who the big superpower bully is which is pushing it's agenda of a Palestinian state on land ethnically cleansed of Jews.

    You go out of your way to excuse U.S. responsibility in dividing up Israel to the enemies of God fro a fraudelent peace.

    The superpower nation which assumes to play God bears much more responsibility than the miniscule,shrinking nation of Israel which is treacherously betrayed by a devious ally.

    If not for U.S. meddling Israel would not be in the precarious position it now finds itself in.

    I will rejoice when God finally causes America to butt out of ISRAEL'S affairs permanently.

  5. There are leaders in Israel, present ones included, who are enemies of God's will and purpose for that nation. The corruption in Israel is as bad as it is here in the States. You cannot ignore that fact. The only difference is that the United States has more and bigger guns.

    We have betrayed Israel. We will and are now paying the price for this; it will get more severe. But, it takes two to tango, as the saying goes and Israeli leaders are willingly surrendering land for a fake peace of paper.

    Sharon, the great general of the IDF left Gaza, lock, stock, and barrel; without prodding from the United States! Former President Begin of Israel gave the entire Siani Desert region back to Egypt for a piece of paper. And Begin was a strong, conservative leader.

    Bibi Natanyahu negociated with the enemy and was willing to surrender land.

    The entire lot are guilty of treason in regard to Greater Israel. God has boxed them in so bad that they have decided to turn to the USA, instead of God for assistance. And I agree with you whole heartedly, what poor assistance that has been. Stabbing a friend in the back as we have done to Israel is not my kind of friendship!

    After we are removed as a supplier of weaponry to Israel, God will deal with them One on one. He is in charge of this thing and He knows what He is doing. Israel has never, and will never cease to be a nation before the Almighty.

    God said He will draw all nations to the Mideast for the great, final showdown. The USA is a nation, so we will be there with what we may have left. And I do not think we will just be in an observer status. Given the upcoming elections, we will surely be on the wrong side, again!

    God controls the hearts of the kings of the earth; He raises them up, and He cast them down.

    He knows exactly what is happening; it is all on His time scale. Like watching the inner workings of an expensive Swiss watch!

    We are to watch and pray; interceed and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. It is, after all, the city of the Great King. It does not belong to Israel, it belongs to God Himself. They are caretakers on His behalf and they are not doing a very good job in that regard. Taking advice from the USA is their worst mistake.

  6. 'Sharon, the great general of the IDF left Gaza, lock, stock, and barrel; without prodding from the United States!
    Former President Begin of Israel gave the entire Siani Desert region back to Egypt for a piece of paper. And Begin was a strong, conservative leader.'

    How deceived you are or how you push lies and deception.
    The U.S. as an ally and a friend has been able to get Israel to do what no other nation could.

    It was only after Sharon met with Bush in Wasshington and was threatened by Bush that the U.S. would no longer stand with Israel unless he began to implement his plan of a Palestinian state by removeing every Jew from Gaza.

    You conviently leave out that is is treacherous US. pressure on Israel that causes the fearful,faithless Jews in leadership to bend.
    YOU MINIMIZE the evil of the modern day Egypt/Superpower in forcing the weaker Jewish slaves of the empire to do as they are told to do by Washington.
    The devils servant Jimmy Carter pushed the same trick on Begin and he realized his mistake after the first evil U.S. land for no peace scheme.
    You hold your idol America higher than it is,for she has become evil and treacherous and will receive GREATER punishment than any other nation.
    To whom much is given ,much is required.
    What nation has God blessed mre than America and what evil have we returned to Him ?
    Read about the end of America Babylon in the bible. Jeremiah 50-51,Isaiah 47,Obadiah,Revelation 18
    Isaiah 10 'WOE to those hwo constantly record unjust decisions' of rewarding the enemies of God with His land.
    God is going to remove the YOKE of U.S. oppression against Israel soon.
