Saturday, December 13, 2008

Answered prayer

I've been following this three ring circus since it came out in July.
The grandparents of Caylee ,murdered by her mother have been keeping the lie going and covering up for the killer ,their daughter, the princess slut Casey Anthony.
I got so sick and tired of this evil especially after their side show on CNN's Larry King live (as I am sure many out there have) I prayed for God to end the lie that this girl was still alive.
The next morning a meter reader looking for a place to relieve himself found her skeletal remains in a plastic bag 1 minute away from their house.The evil mother killed her child because she was a hinderance to her life of party and fornication. Her last boyfriend didn't like the snot nose 2 year old tagging along.The wicked gang kept the lie going for six months that Caylee was out there somewhere alive with the help of mommy ,daddy and brother and a scum of the earth lawyer, Jose Baez, plain and simple.God hates liars.
That was my answered prayer this week and may justice with the same measure of mercy the mother gave her daughter be given to this good example of America's modern day, self centered and immoral mothers brought to us by the culture of death and the schools which corrupt our children headed for slaughter.
I'm also praying as I hope you are that God ends the fake U.S. peace scam against Israel whatever it takes. It looks to be a very painful response to the idol worshipers of Israel and here who see America is their god and salvation.
I hope to get my answer soon.

2.Angel of Mercy ?
The man told police that every time he tried to escape, a "supernatural figure" shoved him to the ground.


  1. Amen this is an answer to my prayers as well. I have been following this case intently. May God give this precious baby justice!

  2. This woman has evil in her eyes.
