Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Babylon's Tolerance of Islam

A response to Jerusalem Post article ; The jihadist-multicultural alliance

Didn't the nations of the world learn anything from a similar experience waiting for the small Nazi movement to get too big to stop without a major war ?
Instead of crushing these growing threats early on Israel seems to be waiting for Hamas and Hezbollah to grow until it becomes extremely costly to put down.
Even the majority in Israel are fearful of offending mad ,bloodthirsty moslems and refuse to call it Islamic terrorism.
They wrongly give honor where it is not due. This is the same as calling evil ,good and good, evil, what we see Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak doing to the non moslems of Hebron.
The ever wise Babelite's of the stupor generation want to be known as tolerant and progressive and accepting and so they embrace this evil and reject any who are intolerant of it and live by a Higher law and His absolute truth.
Call it Islamic terrorism and not terrorism and you will be on a path to break free of the mad multiculturalists Babelites.
This false, feel good tolerance is a sickness which has infected those who put the creature before the Creator and His intolerance for evil.
He has been replaced with compromise and tolerance for the sake of a false global peace and unity, and yet this goal is more elusive than it has ever been.
To them (mulitculturalists, moral realitivists) ,it's all gray and vague ,you have no right to call Moslem's intolerant and evil,you can't judge or demean another religion.
All are equal is the cornerstone supporting their crumbling temple built to worship man.
All are not equal ,allah and God are polar opposites.Darkness and light are not the same or equal.
And yet the religious humanists who place man above God are silent at what Islam says and does on a daily basis but never miss any illogical reason to judge and curse Israel and their proverbial scapegoat the Jew's.
This religious humanistic hypocrisy is the face of evil and this is why they get along so well with the enemies of Israel and God.
The human species has evolved into such an advanced stupor creature incapable of learning from history and is determined to repeat it again but this time with greater unimaginable carnage.
There are no sensible leaders like Churchill to lead the west any more, only globalist elite fools who need Islam's wealth to build their New Babel Dis-Order and so they compromise with the devil and overlook his bad habits.
The insane rulers of the west are all mad and driven like moth's to their own destruction and there is no net to catch us this time.
They are too wise (proud) to heed the warnings of those of us outside their select invitation only club.

'For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;....
that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful;
but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools',........
Romans 1

The fatal wound is self inflicted and pride does go before destruction as wise King Solomon wrote in Proberbs.
Hell is coming to earth for another visit,this time it will outdo all it's other visits.
It all points to what the Jewish prophet's foresaw and wrote about, the final battle Armageddon approaches and there is no stopping it.
The stupor generation has rejected the truth for babel and will suffer the consequences.
I do think the survivors will have learned a valuable lesson;
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Psalm 9:17

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