Monday, December 22, 2008

The Final Reckoning

response to Mark's article ;

Mark wrote ;
'The US administration and the Europeans are wrong in believing that there is "no military solution" here.'

Dear Mark,
A solid message except you and Israel are naive in your thinking with the above statement.
They(US,EU,UN) know what they are doing and are restraining Israel from defeating any other Arab army. It's a treacherous betrayal of Israel plain and simple.
Something you refuse to face in order to change your wrong dreamy,delusional thinking.
Stop being so naive !
After so many wars defeating the Arabs who have lost face the U.S. has leveled the playing field to give the Arabs a chance to win one for their gipper,allah.
I sure hope Israel ends her naive and gulliable mentality as she is led to the slaughter by crafty and evil leaders like Bush who destroy her by peace.

2.Humiliation is Thy Name

The days pass and Arab aggression grows more blatant and deadly. The world becomes less and less friendly towards the Jewish state, but in turn, the response from Israel’s present leaders - Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak and Tzipi Livni - can be summed up as humiliation piled upon humiliation.
Both the United States and Russia are rushing to arm Lebanon with new deadly weapons, knowing full well that they will fall into the hands of Hizbullah, yet not a murmur of protest has been heard from the three leaders who have brought Israel to the edge of the abyss. Israel is humiliated............


  1. Mark has a touch of the Babnesia eh?

  2. The Babylonian King and princess receive a lot of gifts from Israel's enemies don't they?

    I'm almost speechless at their stupidity in accepting these.

  3. Thats only the information which the governmentmedia chose to disclose to the public.
    What about all the 'secret' hidden things that are kept far from the light ,hidden in their dark evil world.
    The good thing is that God knows what these evil,arrogant people who like to play God do in secret and will repay them openly.
