Saturday, December 27, 2008

Gaza Gets A Message

These Palestinian mortars,rockets, missiles indiscrimanently aimed at Israeli cities schools,shops,resturants,synagogues,homes,child care facilities have been falling for over seven years.
Yesterday a Palestinian kassem fell on a Palestinian house and killed two Palestinian children.
I see God is against the moslems.
The Palestinian missiles didn't just start falling on Israel for a week as most of the media lead us to believe.
Seven years of this has been going on under the worthless Bush Road Map no-peace scam while he restrained Israel for his Satan inspired false peace .
Maybe that's the magic number of years until Israel and God finally run out of patience ?

The only thing the moslem jihadists understand are their large funerals.
That is the only thing they understand.
If Israel had any sense they would take back the communities in Gaza starting with Gush Katif and build them bigger than they were before.
No more land for anything ,especially rockets and any other attacks by demon posessed moslems filled with every evil, hate and intolerance from birth.
This time keep your red lines and don't take so long to respond to your enemies ,any more missiles or attacks from Gaza and all of Gaza pays an unbearable price.
Get a spine and stand up to the hypocrites of the world community and tell them they have failed by coddling the Palestinains who do not want peace.
Do not allow the U.S. to tell you how to fight your war or allow them to restrain you from defeating any other Arab army.
Do not fall for the disproportionate response or harming civilians trap as the U.S. never does what they preach to you.
Tell the U.S. to butt out and take their worthless Road Map with them.
Do not keep groveling and begging with the moslem nations like Egypt,Jordan,et al ,they will always side with their fellow Islamic terrorists againt you as Abbas does today.
The same goes for the E.U. and the U.N.
Only a fierce Israel will survive in this neighborhood.

I repost Tony's talkback from YNET today.
Well said !
The evil nations hate it when Jew's fight back.
This is just the beginning for all of them especially the hypocrites in Washington who like to play both sides for their own selfish agenda.

Now that we have a homeland and we fight back the world can't stand it. For thousands of years they murdered us indiscriminately and blamed us for the cause of all societies ills. Just ask yourself why 90% of UN resolutions are specifically aimed at Israel when there are hundreds of flagrant human rights violations and outright atrocities everywhere but Israel. The world just cannot stop trying to harm Jews, it is engrained in their DNA. The best possible solution to theirs madness is to set up a no mans land of at least 150 kilometers and push all the arabs in Israel past that so we Jews can finally live the peaceful way we would like. We Jews have had three thousand years of nakba, who are these upstarts arabs with no historical ownership language or recorded history trying to steal our land and kill us?
tony ny,ny


  1. OH good it works now..was having trouble getting the comment section to come up....I have been watching online video of the Gaza hits because the main stream media doesnt seem to be covering it and all i have to say is..those palestinians can sure dish it out but they sure cant take doesnt bother them to kill Jewsish women and children but they sure hoop and holla when it's their turn..Not that I rejoice when any ones life is lost especially when they don't know Jesus...

  2. Maybe it was because I was editing that you had a problem posting ?

    Hamas ran out fellow Palestinian christians from Gaza with extreme violence.
    I have no pity on them as I would not have with Nazi's.
    God will keep those few who trust in Him in Gaza in the midst of the hell storm.
    They get only what they deserve after many years of their evil Islamic deeds.
    The evil world has protrayed the Palestinians as poor,needy victims when they are not.
    Israel is always blamed !

    They will reap what they have sown,hopefully sooner than later.
    from J.R.
    Over the past three days - amidst Christmas week in the Holy Land - radical Islamic terrorists in Gaza have fired more than 100 rockets, missiles and mortars at Israeli Jews living in the southern border towns of Sderot, Ashdod and Ashkelon. Since December 19th, nearly 200 rockets have been fired at Israel from Gaza. By God's grace, Israeli casualties have been minimal, despite the barrage. Only one Israeli has been killed in the attacks so far. But two Palestinian children - sisters aged 5 and 13 - were killed when a Hamas rocket landed on a house in Gaza rather than Israel.

  3. Marcel,

    I noticed you posted in Andrews comment section.,cntnt01,showentry,0&cntnt01entryid=15&cntnt01returnid=79

    I posted further rebuke of Andrew on my site:

    From another forum:

    It is becoming more clear to me why Andrew nixed the revivalschool forum.

    America you are the light!!!!
    America you are the salt!!!
    ~Apostle Robert Makona

    Jesus is the only light and the Church is the only salt. Much of the article sounds good but I got a red flag in my spirit so I checked it out.

    Apostle Robert Makona is a presiding apostle over the International Apostolic Network (IAN) which is in total agreement with Peter Wagner's ICA.

    I praise God that Robert Makona is spreading the Gospel including providing health care and ministry to widows and orphans. It is highly doubtful that he is unaware of Wagner's dominionist heretical teachings as the IAN is dominionist in their own theology and teachings. My heart goes out to the believers in Kenya, Uganda and surrounding nations. IAN is spreading NAR poison and Makona is one of their top spokesmen. Here is IAN's link page:

    I really don't enjoy being the bearer of bad news. NAR thinking has infiltrated countless ministries and is wreaking havoc on innocent sheep's faith by the literal millions.
    So there you have it.

    Robert Makona is a false apostle and a false prophet.

    Just another Hananiah in a long line of Hananiah's.

    Peter Wagner is also a false apostle and a false prophet.

    Andrew Strom, I warn you soberly that you need to break fellowship with these false apostles, false prophets and false brethren in The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ!

  4. Yes the evil children of the devil who do not know Christ will surely reap what they have sown.
    Their hearts are only set to do evil, to lie, steal, kill and destroy as their father the devil. They are agents to destroy Israel, but Michael the Angle shall stand up for Israel and God shall deliver her in the end and all Israel shall be saved.

  5. AMEN !
    Andrew places the false prophets message at his web site ,more deception.

    I am surprised that Mr. Strom did not remove what I wrote there.
    There is great idolatry,and deception withing the church today from well meaning but deceived men like Andrew.
