Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Party is Over,Over,Over

Judgment Day.
The mighty are fallen.
Wave after wave of bad tidings continue to flood this nation while the lying spinners and manipulators work overtime to hide the enormity of these nation shattering events.
The onslaught has only begun.
What sane person in this world would ever think to invest another dime in any U.S. investment institution ?
Trust has been destroyed and thats all we had left.
The insidious rot has reached to the heart of the dying patient.
This latest rogue wave did more damage than most people realize.

He has managed to harm contemporary Jewry in ways anti-Semites could only dream about.
He has sapped the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles of 11 percent of its assets, or some $18 million. In the words of prominent educator Avraham Infeld, he "obliterated" long-standing charitable foundations for Jewish causes in Israel, Eastern Europe and North America. Along the way, Madoff assured the story enormous play, not only with the scale and the impudence of the scheme, but with his A+ roster of celebrity victims, among them Stephen Spielberg, Elie Wiesel, and billionaire real-estate tycoon, media mogul, commentator and former chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Mort Zuckerman. A senior U.S. senator is one of his client-marks, as well as present and past owners of professional football and baseball teams. Then there was the betrayal of old friends like philanthropists Carl and Ruth Shapiro, megadonors to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Brandeis University and the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. "The scandal rippled far beyond the multimillion-dollar private foundation run by Madoff that channeled money into hospitals and theaters," Reuters reported, "and swept up charities large and small, directly and indirectly, along with wealthy Jewish investors Madoff personally advised."


  1. Lieberman: No to Land for Peace


    "It's unacceptable! We will not agree to continue with Oslo, we will not agree to continue with Annapolis, we will not agree to 'land for peace!'” Lieberman told the crowd. “The formula we accept is 'peace for peace.'”

  2. "while the lying spinners and manipulators work overtime to hide the enormity of these nation shattering events."

    (Seems that members of world Elite work and play very nicely together.)

    "Doing the kind of investigative reporting we should expect from the major media, a financial research and consulting firm has released a major analysis of the “credit crisis” that concludes that the claims made by Treasury Department Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke to justify a socialist takeover of the financial industry were demonstrably false."


  3. Art Katz brought a bottom line point in this sermon and that is, "God's whole dealing with men began with the Jewish people and it will end with the Jewish people."


    This is quite lengthy, but I listened to it twice last night and thought it appropriate to offer it in alignment with your post here this morning.

    (Marcel, You might think it's best to listen before you post as you may not want to display)

    Thank you

  4. "Debka: Russia is sending a group of warships to Cuba in its latest defiant naval move around US waters."


    "Novosti: Russian carrier-based fighters exercise over Atlantic"


  5. Thanks Jo,
    I'm listening to art now.
    This is what UNgod says :
    'UN Security Council: Israel-PA peace process is irreversible'

    We know whose word will stand.

    I wrote about Russia/ Cuba already ,did you miss it ?

  6. Must have missed it.

    Although we can never watch too much...

  7. Jo,
    I got to listen to a few minute of it and it cut off .I tried to connect again and couldn't.

    I wonder if my computer is bugged ?


    JAMES ,


  8. "I got to listen to a few minute of it and it cut off .I tried to connect again and couldn't."

    Maybe this will work...
    "The Two Judaisms"

  9. JO,
    The first 7 minutes are off the charts.
    Hot !!!!
    So true what he says about our attitude towards Israel and the Jews.
    Just like he said,that tells me where a believer is at with God.
    Thanks a million ,now I'm back to this most important audio.

  10. Fantastic...glad it worked!

    "Just like he said,that tells me where a believer is at with God."
    Yes, amen.

  11. Hi Marcel,

    Yes brother, I've made several posts there myself on RS's new site.

  12. Jo ,that audio message from Art Katz was so important that I posted it on the blog.

    Whatever happened to him ?
    I guess he's keeping the messages up and uncensored ?

  13. Whatever happened to him ?

    Art Katz went home to be with the Lord on June 28, 2007. (I could read his books ["The Spirit of Truth," for one] and listen to his sermons for hours.)
    Thank you..

  14. Thats a shock ,a surprise.

    I found this wonderful testimony about him here.

