Thursday, January 22, 2009

As you do to Israel

America is like a great Oak tree,rotted from within ,the roots long dead and just waiting for a strong wind to bring it down.
God sends the the strong wind in His time.
There is nothing holding up the tree.
The leaves are long gone and the rotted branches fall daily barely noticed by the few.
There is a malaise,a great false hope and deep sleep amongst the majority who worship the dead tree.
All 3 are God's judgment on the doomed and damned idol worshipers.
They have no where else to go and the same rot in the tree is within their souls.
They are the image of their idol and reach the same end and won't know what hit them when their end comes in an instant.


As the nations work to divide Israel ,God divides them in so many ways and sends the same sword of Islam against them that they sacrifice Israel to.
It is returned to their heads with incredible speed.
Time has run out as this economic downfall is much,much worse than most people realize.

France lead the attack for Israel to divide the covenant land. Now look what is happening to France! It is heading toward division because of the Muslims.
Financial Armageddon
New age of rebellion and riot stalks Europe
01/22/09 Please take note that on this blog I have been posting articles about riots in Europe against the Jews and Israel. All the European countries failed to stand with Israel and failed to stand up against these rioters. NOW LOOK AT EUROPE!!! These nations are facing the same spirit that was turned lose on the Jews just weeks ago.
"The LSE economist Robert Wade addressed about 1,000 Icelanders recently at a protest meeting in a Reykjavik cinema, warning that large-scale civil unrest was on the way. The tipping point, he said, would be this spring. "It will be caused by the rise of general awareness throughout Europe, America and Asia that hundreds and millions of people in rich and poor countries are experiencing rapidly falling consumption standards; that the crisis is getting worse, not better, and that it has escaped the control of public authorities, national and international,"
London's reaction to the Gaza war shows it is giving up against jihad 01/20/09
Falling Pound Raises Fears of Stagnation 01/22/09
I have been warning about this spring and to get ready NOW! Please don't be like a deer in the headlights. This crisis is accelerating at incredible speed. Get ready spiritual, emotional and physically. God has warned at least for a year now that this was coming. The US stock market was blowing apart at the exact time Bush was pressuring Israel to divide the land and the advancement of homosexual marriage. This is all documented in my book and on this blog. You can follow it with your own eyes. Act now as time is running out. The judgment from the holy God of Israel has arrived. We are now on a new level with God and the nations are being directly dealt with by Him.

John Mcternan


  1. Awesome article John...

    Yes the Lord has been preparing us for this for the past 22 months to be exact :(

    I sent this article out the day John posted it and got such a negative response...just proves we are smack in the appointed times of sorrows!

    The next 15 months are going to be very interesting.

  2. negative response from who ?

    your apostate Christian friends ?
    The pagan and barbarian response I could understand.
    The reprobates in the fallen away church ,they're the dog returning to it's vomit.

