Thursday, April 30, 2009

10 ways Obama is a direct threat to Israel


  1. Klein is a plagiarist and a fraud. In Israel he is either unknown of despised.

    Put him on your email list and see how much he likes real Christians ;

  2. I listened to A.K. do radio interview and I'm with him 110 %
    So what if he does not 'like' real Christian's, thats most of Israel and that is not why I stand with Israel.
    It's about the Holy one of Israel.

    You're the same guy who dosn't like the 'settlers' either.
    Of course the idol worshipers don't like him in Israel they love their idols Bush,Obama ect and everything but Hashem.
    Ellen Horowitz wrote an atricle at Shiloh Muse on the Roman Pope's coming visit to Israel and this was my response.

    Policy Change NeededIt's time to end the policy of appeasment and surrender as by now you are aware it does not lead to peace.
    Immediatly after the IDF took control of the Temple Mount during the 6 day war in 1967 it was handed over to the enemy.
    This fateful act set the nation controlled by grasshoppers in perpetual retreat.
    Already the new government of Israel has turned over more Jewish land to the other enemy,Rome who is coming to visit his new holdings.
    It seems that there is no backbone in Israel only appeasers and delusional dreamers of peace with Islam and beggars and slaves who ALWAYS bend their knee to Washington and never the holy one of Israel.
    How sad that the people of ISRAEL stand for nothing and bring such shame to the name of Hashem.
    There should be mourning in the land of Israel for the continued faithlessness of her leaders who bring the nation into God's judgment again.

  3. Right after replying to you i went to Haaretz and this was the headline.

    Netanyahu aides fear Obama will spring 'surprise' demands

    FAITHLESS grasshoppers ARE ALWAYS RULED BY FEAR AND THIS IS WHY ISRAEL IS IN THE PIT WHICH IT HAS DUG FOR ITSELF by going along with the psuedo peace scam.

    There does not seem to be anyone in Israel who can stand up to the ObamaNation and say LO/NO !
