Thursday, June 11, 2009

San Francisco and Port Royal,Jamacia

Commentary from John McTernan
I feel like I'm on the bow of the Titanic looking at the approaching iceberg. The captain is careless while the people are all dancing, drinking, partying and the like, while most are just minutes from from their doom. They cannot hear the warnings. This is the condition of America. The nation is full speed ahead into judgment. The people, which includes most of the church, cannot see the iceberg dead ahead............

All areas of America are now given over to homosexuality. This includes most of the educational system, the main media, the courts, the Democratic party and some of the Republican party. Many of the major corporations also some of the mainline denominations such as the Episcopalians are completely taken over by the HomoFascists.
This legalizing of homosexuality is what happens to a society just before it is judged by the holy and righteous God. I believe that America is now at the threshold of judgment for homosexuality. God will not tolerate "homosexual marriage" as He created the unity between a man and woman and the family unit. Homosexual marriage and the rest of this agenda is a direct assault on God and His holiness. This is a total rejection of the Bible and all that is wholesome. It is calling evil, good. It is THE sign that a society has become total corrupt.
In the face of all this, where is the church: AWOL? The the church does not seem willing to stand up to this onslaught, although some did stand in California . There seems to be no power to resist and confront this evil. Because the church, has for the most part failed to defend the institution of marriage, I believe that God is about to do it, which means direct judgment on America..........
The Bible clearly warns that God will judge ANY nation that takes the road America is now on. All the warning signs are there for ALL to see. America right now is in a moral meltdown and few seem to see it or care. Where are the pastors warning the church! Where are the church leaders calling for fasting, repentance, and beseeching the LORD for any outpouring of His Spirit and mercy?..........
The following is an example of just how fast a wicked society can disappear:
American Minute with Bill Federer June 7
(As I read this, I could not help by think of San Francisco.)
The island of Jamaica was captured from the Spanish in 1655 by British Admiral William Penn, father of Pennsylvania's founder, but it was too far from England to defend, so the city turned to privateers, pirates and buccaneers for protection.
(The same kind of people who rule the U.S. now,especially San FranFreako (marcel)
The likes of Blackbeard, Calico Jack and Captain Henry Morgan,namesake of the rum, attacked Spanish ships and returned with their booty. Soon Port Royal, Jamaica, surpassed Boston as England's most prosperous settlement.
Called "the Sodom of the New World" for its "pirates, cutthroats,whores," drinking, gambling and slave trading, it was "the richest and wickedest city in the world" until JUNE 7, 1692, when an earthquake and tsunami sank it under the sea. Over 2,000 drowned, graves opened and bodies washed about.
Eye-witness Rev. Emmanuel Heath, wrote: "Port Royal was terribly destroyed by an earthquake and breaking in of the sea upon it. The destruction was four minutes multitudes were killed by the falling houses...I believe God I never in my life saw such a terror...the earth opened and swallowed up people before my face...The sea swallowed up the greatest part of that wretched sinful place...They are so wicked, I fear God...will utterly destroy all by this dreadful Judgment."

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