Monday, July 27, 2009

Swine Flu and Depopulation


...we can no longer afford the social safety net.
That is, unless you change the actuarial assumptions in the budget – like life expectancy. Lowering immune systems and increasing toxicity levels combined with poor food, water and terrorizing stress will help do the trick. Review the history of vaccines rushed into production without proper testing and peer review - it is clear about the potential side effects. In addition, a plague can so frighten and help control people that they will accept the end of their current benefits (and the resulting implications to life expectancy) without objection. And a plague with proper planning can be highly profitable. Whatever the truth of what swine flu and related vaccines are, it can be used as a way to keep control in a situation that is quickly shifting out of control.
Now, if this sounds ludicrous to you, it may be because you do not appreciate how dark the culture has become that is now in charge. Do you have any idea how impossibly frustrating it is to manage a highly centralized system in which the vast majority of people lack any responsibility to ensure that the whole thing works? Everyone wants their free lunch and there are no real markets or democracy to force accountability or a shared intelligence.
Force works.
Force has increasingly become the way to achieve most everything.
Using force is a lot easier than living with rising risk and the costs of subsidizing an aging population.


The Evolving American Mother


  1. Vitamin D is what some of the doctors are saying is the best thing to take in order to treat the virus.

    Here's the link.

    It actually makes sense to me. Those who are not outside much, who have a lower level of D in them because of that and the fact that they are not taking supplements, need to makes some changes in their lives one way or another.

    I plan on getting some; and, taking it with the other things I already take!

  2. Thats what John McTernan's been telling us for a long time.
    It makes more sense than the evil one in power who serve the devil.

    Trusting in God is better than trusting in these liars and deceivers.
