Friday, August 14, 2009

Moslem's Doing What They Do Best

In cursed Gaza a new and even more rabid Islamic group has arisen to war against Hamas because it is considered not foaming at the mouth radical enough.
The billions of dollars the decadent and guilt ridden west have pumped into Gaza over the many decades has all ended up in the sewer.
Somehow the US,UN,EU and all NGO's will find a way to blame Israel for this.
You can't bless what is cursed !
How is it possible that anyone cannot see the satanic roots of this religion of death ?
When they can't find infidels to kill they turn on each other.
We've seen this happening for a long time in Iraq,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Algeria and everywhere else Islam has taken root.
Read the news at the above link and you will see that God's curse on Islam is in effect.
I will bless those who bless you, (Israel) And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Genesis 12:3


  1. marcel, I so admire your zeal on this subject. It's SO very clear that the Word of God is as alive today as it was then.
    God bless you and God bless His people. And may more and more Muslims (and JEWS!) come to Him, too!

  2. Good morning and G*D bless!
    Z, of,, recommended your site to me...I happen to agree with your premise, you can't call blessings down on a cursed land.

    America is such a land, we are under judgment, and most of the church is oblivious. 2 Thessalonians 2 is being played out before us.

    What do you think of the idea that the 12th mahdi may be the Antichrist? Walid Shoebat, and a few others, are beginning to say it.

    Anyway, I'm going to blogroll's good to run into more of "the family"!


  3. Hi y'all,
    You know what is incredible about this news story is how the western media has totally covered it up.
    It does reveal how their Road Map leads not to peace but to destruction.Isaiah 28:14-22

    Someone from Australia pointed this out at YNET so it is clearly another fascist censor action from the globalist media to only let the serfs hear what they want us to hear.
    I do wonder how much time we have before they shut down this information highway ?

  4. I wouldn't be surprised if there was so much provacation of conservatives and sensible people, that marshal law will be introduced and the 2010 elections "postponed" indefinitely.

    Welcome to the United Soviet Socialist States of Amerika.

    As a nation, we will have gotten it the old fashioned way, we will have earned it!

    And what was said, as you quoted, Jerusalem IS A VERY HEAVY STONE, that will cause stumbling or crushing!

    May G*D have mercy on HIS people!


  5. TMW,
    Martial law is certainly coming.
    The NWO globalist have had their men as President for some decades now.
    I was sure the one who led the way for Obama would declare it and remain in power after signing so many executive orders.

    The globalists have been extremely successful in playing the Left against the Right and we are headed into a trap.
    How easily the voters of both parties are seduced.

    Long before Obama,America's role in dividing Israel for their fraudulent peace agenda painted it as the number one evil and now cursed player nation.
    We've outdone the Russian's ,the Chinese,the Europeans in this field and others.
    I'd say patriots ignore this unpleasant and extremely unpopular fact.
    It does make me very unpopular for which I am thankful.

    With our government sanctioned and protected perversion and it's arrogance in carving up the tiny sliver of land Israel,there is no hope for this land.
    We are cursed beyond any hope of return.
    The political agenda of the right is a dead end because they ignore the sin issue(rebellion against the One who blessed this land.)

    Palin was a dead end long ago as God has given this nation over.

    The right were silent when the devil with an R next to his name started this war against Israel on June 24 2002 being the first president to call for a Palestinian state.
    They compromised the truth long ago for Mr. Skull & Bones and sealed their fate.
    I'm looking for the Kingdom of God alone and have long ago had the funeral and burial for America ,the land of the now cursed.
    I'm here to warn those not snared by their idols to seek the Lord alone.

    Israel has a serious problem with national idolatry like the patriots do and this is why there is no peace for them.

    They have run like whore's to another god (Washington) for peace and ignored God's Road Map to peace.
    Exodus 23:27-33

  6. Remember how G*D warned Israel against trusting in Egypt? That Egypt was a, "...broken reed...", that would stab them in the hand?

    Well, guess what? So is america(see my July 4th post), AND the Israelis are over 3/4 secularists/athiests!
    OUCH time.
    G*D bless and MARANATHA!


  7. mw,
    Jeremiah 17:5 goes well with going down to Egypt.

    Thats what we Christians are also doing when they run to the polluted political well's for help or change.
    We're just like the idol worshipers in Israel.

    I was going to send you this yesterday.
    Today is as good a time.
    I've been sending the Ouch to Israel for a long time.
    Caroline's latest article at Jerusalem post,her blog and Jewish World Review.

    My response;

    Caroline G wrote :
    'Unfortunately, the Obama administration is already making clear that it is incapable of accepting this basic truth'.

    Caroline you and Barry still cling to your delusion's.
    It is Israel which is incapable of accepting the truth.
    Do you really think Obama is that stupid to not know what Fatah,Hamas and Hizbollah are as Bush before him ?
    Israel is the only nation buying this because everyone else knows the agenda which is destroy Israel by the peace process.
    Its amazing how much Israel put into this processs of their own destruction to get the world and their idol America to love and accept them.
    Thats why Fatah's open crusade against Israel conference will change nothing.
    Since Israel's impotent leaders are too fearful and weak to end the farce and enjoy their subservient status of just following orders as Netanyahu and Olmert and Sharon before him we are guaranteed that the trains to the death camps within Israel will roll on time.
    You can bet on it because Netanyahu is just following orders as he did when he permitted this gathering of Islamic terrorists in Bethlehem to please his oberfuherer Obama.
    The fatal flaw with Israel's absoutedly worthless secular leadership is they have no where else to turn to so they keep playing the same dog and pony show.
    This is why secular Israel is incapable of accepting this basic truth that the peace process is not about peace but Israel's destruction.
    Otherwise how could a people become so utterly stupid to keep going on with the destruction of their own nation farce going on 16 years now ??????
    The moslem crusader Palestinian's do not even bother to hide their true agenda because they know the self loathing Jews who stand for nothing will continue down the path to their own destruction no matter what.
    What a good little kapo Bibi has been under his recycled rule. As a fake rightist he'll end up doing more damage than the left just like Sharon before him.

  8. Todah Rabah (thank you very much) for loveing us and Israel.

    Ahava (hebrew for love or one who loves)

  9. Shalom,
    Now if only Israel would love HaShem more than they love their idol America and run to Him for peace instead of this false god.

  10. Would that Ahava will listen. I know so many wonderful messianic Jews....they have such peace and happiness. I wish Ahava that, too...and all of Israel, of course.
