Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This Guy Gets It !

So many words from so many people.
But, you and all others, some recognized as experts with authoritive insights, blind.
So what.
Death is complete for all people in every generation. No one escapes death. What is the point of all the think tanks regarding Israel and its enemies? Obama is right on time.
The United States has its own problems. Obama has come to finish us off.
If the true issue is not spiritual, forget it. If the grave is the end of ones existence, who really cares.
What is the end game here? Where is this headed?
I cannot believe there are so many blind people who do not believe Israel is the timeclock for the world. Wake up.
If people do not understand who Abraham is, Mohammed was, the lie of Islam, the role of evil from demonic forces directing demonic people and nations, you are doomed to ignorance. You too will become Obama and his ilk. People will perish for lack of wisdom. Israel is the apple of G-d's plan for this world. All nations now existing will be judged on their treatment of Israel and her people. Period. How long will you remain blind? What are you offering people if there is not an end to this story. By the way, it has already been told. The outcome is set. There will be no suprises. Israel must act on its own, do not fear the US or the EU, Russia, China, ect. Israel is not just another nation spinning on the planet.
Posted at CAROLINES BLOG by George Z August 10, 2009 12:25 PM

I like what George reminded us of. 'Israel is the timeclock for the world.'
Not the U.S. ,not the EU or the UN or any other the evil powers and their crafty agendas.
Not even the devil and his plans anyone who reads the Bible already knows about.
God is in absolute control.
Israel is at the heart of God and His plans .
The self centered people and nations of the earth are jealous and work hard to change this reality.


  1. thanks for coming by geeeeez, Marcel.
    I'm a big supporter of Israel, too.

    One only has to hear what's going on with Jerusalem and how eager Obama is to give it away to know that God's not too happy these days.
    Feels like the world's falling apart, doesn't it? I want my America back! And I want Israel safe again.
    Odd, as a friend said...they don't mind Iran making nukes but let Israel build a HOUSE, and there's Hell to pay!

  2. Thanks Z,
    I found you by way of Aurora in Australia's link to Big Girl Pants and the 'Once Upon A Time I was invited to the White House story she had up atributed to your blog.
    Do you know who the author is so I can attribut it ?

    I enjoyed reading up on your experience after the war in Germany.
    TDY to Bitburg in mid 70's HAFB,N.Mex.and stayed with a Christian ministry group in Trudering,Munchen when I backpacked thru Europe and ended up on a Kibbutz Erez next to Gaza in 77'
    I'd stil be in Munchen if I din't get itchy feet.

    Great blog ,hope I didn't offend the leftist ducky too much but we have to use our free speech or lose it.
