Monday, August 17, 2009

You are all pieces of crap

'The time is upon us now to prepare to hold the line. It is short. It is succinct. It will happen with great shock and fury. And when you awaken from this nightmare, should you be one who does, every aspect of your life will have changed until the day you die. Fear not for that day, fear for the day you are too weak to resist.'
Prepare to stand, practice not to fall.


  1. With Christ, I can be like Stephen. Without HIM? Forget it!
    So, I pray Peter's prayer from Acts, that I might be bold...put on the full armor of G*D, according to Ephesians 6, every morning before I get out of bed.
    G*D bless and MARANATHA!


  2. Amen,
    Stephen preached a hard message to his own 'chosen people and look what his own family did to him.

    The big problem today is the needed message has been watered down because it is too hard and offends those headed for hell.
    A vast sea of wimps and faithless cowards
    and only a few bold and faithful at this late hour.
    History always repeats itself.
    The condition of Israel in Jeremiah's day is the condition of the Laodecian church USA today.

    The church will pay for this grevious sin.
    God help and keep us in this coming great sifting.

  3. It's all in 2 Thessalonians 2...Paul saw it coming. So we are warned...finding a church lately is an exercise in frustration!

    I have settled for a tiny Brethren Assembly, about 4 blocks from my house. They aren't perfect, but they honor G*D and preach the Word without apology.

    In the end, that may be sufficient...they certainly do reach out to the children and young people in the neighborhood...they are more like Philadelphia.

    I can live with that...even though I intercede in "tongues"...oooops!


  4. no need for oops ,praise God !

    The sleepy churches around here would probally show me to the door.

    They don't want to hear the truth and are comfy in their end time delusion having long ago replaced Jesus as head.
    He's not welcome either.
