Monday, October 19, 2009

Iran, six world powers convene for second round of nuke talks

Teheran's stance could doom both Monday's talks and chances of a second round of broader negotiations between Teheran and six world powers on the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.
Monday's Vienna talks between Teheran and the US, Russia and France focus on a technical issue with huge strategic ramifications.

Is Jordan's King Abdullah a Moslem ?

Maybe,just maybe this explains his motives which favor the Islamic jihadists,Palestinian brigade's against Israel ?
Maybe this explains why he desires to see the heat from the West lowered against his brothers in Iran and turned up higher on the infidel,kuffar JOOOOS.


  1. I don't watch TV so I can't tell you.The MSM and their propaganda shills are off the menu for me ,THANK GOD !!!!!
    I did hear something about rainbow coalition maybe he's colorful ?

    I see you,ve been busy on youtube !

  2. Maybe I should have asked, "Is the Pope Catholic!" was a play on your question, "Is Jordan's King Abdullah a moslem?"

  3. Oh had me worried there for a second!
