Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jerusalem :Temple Mount Riots Resume

A comment (below) from a Jerusalemite on the Arab rioters who are falsely called worshipers by the degenerate media.
Islam is the only religion where killing,destruction,rioting are considered worship (to the devil ,allah they serve)Ye shall know them by their fruit
When they go to 'worship' on the Temple Mount their agenda now is to incite a global Islamic conflaguration against Israel.They want Jerusalem (Zecharian 12:3)
The more you appease evil the more it always wants.
#5 Jews just want to pray
Why is a Jew who simply wants to pray on the holiest site on earth according to Torah, called by the police an "extreme-right element?" Why do the Israeli police discriminate against Jews that have only prayer and not politics in mind? Why does Ynet refer to rioting Moslems as "worshipers?" Why does the Israeli establishment have such difficulty discerning between offender and victim? Rafael,Jerusalem


Israel's mistake was in returning the pagan Dome of the Rock back to the moslems as a goodwill gesture instead of razing it back in 1967.
The effort has failed as kindness,appeasment is seeen as weakness by the forces of hell.
This spot is the heart of the conflict between the lie,Islam and Israel and is a perfect example of where compromise always leads.
This is why Christians and Jews are so weak and powerless,salt less and lukewarm.
Compromise with darkness has done it's work.
Israel has been too restrained in dealing with the Islamic movement and now it will be more difficult to curb the wolf.
The Israeli leftist mindset is to run to the Waqf wolf for help in calming the situation when thye are part of the problem.
Molsems will always stand with good,bad,moderate moslems against Israel,ALWAYS, or they are not long for this world dear clueless Dudi.
You talk tough but they are only words for vengance is only against Jews who obey HaShem and build upon the land He has given them to rebuild on.
The fearful and faithless Dudi Cohen's only know how to surrender to and appease the enemies of Israel which ALWAYS lead to failure and disaster.

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