Thursday, November 05, 2009

Major Nadal Hasan

update link:Michelle Malkin

Soldiers who witnessed the shooting rampage at Fort Hood that left 13 people dead reported that the gunman shouted "Allahu Akbar!" before opening fire, the base commander said Friday.

We in the government have to deny that this was an Islamic terrorist related attack because that would expose us as incompetent fools and liars as we sell the peaceful religion of Islam.
Already our media affiliates are turning him into the victim of abuse by white men calling him names. It's worked well against Israel by demonizing them and always putting the Moslem Palestinians in the role of victim.
The FBI as always is disclaiming this as a Moslem terrorist attack even though he shouted allah akhbar as he killed non moslems.

We have alot of spin to do on this because the nut was one of our mental health care professionals.
I hope no one asks why we gave him a poor performance report and then promoted him to Major.
They might figure out that we reward incompetent Moslems and failure and put our soldiers at risk for our perversity,diversity agenda.
Moral would suffer if the troops figured out that they are led by idiots.
We will try and hide his devout Islam connection and convert him to a Christian or Jew posthumously or blame drugs after one of our special autopsy's .
It's important to cover up or to downplay the fact that he was a Moslem and keep the American people dumbed down than to tell the truth because we have sell Islam as a good religion.
It is also important that we seperate the Major from his religion and the media will help us in this as they always do.

We'll have this story scrubbed and off the headlines in a few days to keep our lie going to advance our evil globalist agenda.
US Govt.
They said he received a poor performance evaluation while at Walter Reed.
Major Nadal Malik Hasan, who is psychologist or a psychiatrist.
He was promoted to major status in May, according to the Army Times
In the wake of the cowardly Ft. Hoot mass fatal shooting of 11 or more unarmed U.S. soldiers by Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan, America has the right to know the truth about sleeper war cells in the U.S.
Walid Shoebat Former Islamic Terrorist who was once part of Jihad war cells in the US and understands fully the mindset of terrorists has been warning America of the potential of this very type of tragedy and worse for many years.
Shoebat contends that the US Army, Navy, Air Force, FBI, CIA, Dept. of Homeland Security are all infiltrated with Muslim Extremists.
“America needs to awaken from its sleep and its unwillingness to face the issue of fundamentalist Islam in our midst which undoubtedly is the cause of the tragedy in Ft Hood” says Mr. Shoebat, adding, “Some very serious decisions need to made when it comes to having Muslims protecting our country, as it is impossible to know whether they maybe honorable or foxes in the hen house.”
Walid is the author of the book “Why We Want To Kill You, The Jihad Mindset and How to Defeat it."
-- Nidal Malik Hasan is NOT a convert but Jordanian Muslim SINCE BIRTH! Infiltration by Islamists in the military is a fact My own brother served in the United States Air Force and his loyalty was to his ideology, yet allowing him to guard nuclear facilities should be on check. Religion is a sensitive issue but we should not undermine our security from fear of ‘Islamophobia.’
-- Muslims by Sharia Law are mandated never to fight Muslims. Muslim soldiers need to be questioned whether this is an issue, yet we virtually never question them.
-- Converts to Islam are susceptible to Islamization, the case of Sgt. Hassan Akbar from Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait killed two Americans and was influenced by the MSU (Muslim Student Association), also Ali Muhammad a double agent that worked for the FBI and collaborated with Al-Qaeda
-- Speaking at the Air Force Academy in Colorado to expose the infiltration of Islamist. Not only were over a hundred of Middle Eastern Muslims allowed to infiltrate, but were also allowed to threaten us with death with no repercussions whatsoever -- Omar Khalifa, a student, got away with the threats and while Khalifa was related to Osama Bin Laden's son-in-law, he was largely ignored!
-- At the Marines, our event was cancelled as to ‘not to offend Saudi visitors. At Camp Bullis was a Muslim in the U.S army who said he was ‘offended’ that I spoke on the issue of terrorism. Has ‘Political correctness’ seeped into our military apparatus to the point where no one can say anything lest they risk we offend someone? When Americans are being killed,all issues should be on the table.
-- The big question: Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome or Terrorism?Nidal never served in Iraq or Afghanistan to qualify as a candidate for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.


  1. This morning reports say he is not dead.
    Obama said he WAS dead.

  2. What do you expect when led by incompetent fools ?

    It's amazing that they even know how to walk and chew at the same time.
    The US suffers from an advanced stage of death by stupidity.

  3. He was shouting allahu akbar

    That will take some spinning. The FBI (incompetent fools) might be forced to consider that it is a sleeper terrorist attack.

    Thank Jesus Christ for our freedom in Him and that the truth will set us free.

  4. The FBI (incompetent fools) might be forced to consider that it is a sleeper terrorist attack.

    You don't realize how low the US and FBI have fallen ?

    Even after this news that he shouted allah akhbar they are saying we don't know why he did what he did and no one can 'jump to conclusions' until they have done their investigation.
    They are already removing the allah akhbar comments witnessed by so many from the media spotlight.

    They cover up for the Islamic terrorist's to the point that they babel stupidity assuming the majority of Americans will believe their lies and rubbish.

    When God judge a nation He makes her leaders suicidal idiots who self destruct themselves and the country and that is what the US is doing to itself.
    Payback from God for dividing Israel and turning away from Him.

  5. It is still here (the video) but don't know for how much longer. They are being removed.
    I can't believe how much the state controls YouTube, I suppose it is the same with all the Internet.

  6. YouTube has blocked me from commenting this past week.
    They are very Orwellian.
    I don't have any doubt that a moslem complained about what I wrote about their cult of death.

    Woe unto those who call evil, good and good, evil !
