Sunday, February 21, 2010

FDA - GSK Killing more Americans than Islamic Terrorists are

According to a two-year investigation by the Senate Finance Committee, Glaxo knew about data linking Avandia to elevated risk of cardiovascular events(HEART ATTACKS,DEATH) for several years, but played down the information and tried to suppress doctors who raised concerns.
Internal FDA reviews included in the Senate report show that in 2008, longtime FDA scientists David Graham and Kate Gelperin urged the FDA to get Avandia off the market. They analyzed data on side effects in dozens of Avandia studies, but their recommendations were rejected by FDA chiefs. The senators want to know why.

Think about it !
More Ameircan's are dying from FDA approved drugs than are being killed by Islamic terrorists.

The powerful influence of big Pharma ,Glaxo and their deep pockets keep this big story buried as they send out their professional,high paid  liars. I heard about it on ABC radio and could find it no where else except for WSJ after a google search.and the news was watered down,minus the high number of deaths.
ABC radio reported.
This is a big cover up.You have to be crazy to trust pill pushing doctors today.
You better do you homework and remember Doc is not God. Jeremiah 17:5 

This important story is covered up because the MSM are more interested in protecting their advertising revenue and profits for the greedy Pharma killers who KNOWINGLY push deadly poison on the dumbed down people of America because they know they can get away with it.and will never be held accountable.
This reprobate nation is much deeper in the rot than most people understand..

The evil media keep reporting on Lady Gaga and other worthless news endlessly but cover up the real news and real dangers to Americans and their health.
.he drug industry and the pill pushing doctors are motivated by filthy lucre as are the corrupt FDA. 

In this case billions of dollars in world wide sales of  this one deadly drug Avandia which has killed thousands of people with the knowledge and cover up of the US Governmant in collusion with the greedy poison pill pushers.
Corruption and evil are so endemic in America that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Judgment on these evil men will come from God because those in authority have failed to do their jobs.

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