Saturday, May 08, 2010

Mega Disaster

Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
Revelation 8:8

May 9
The spill is spreading west, further from Florida but toward the important shipping channels and rich seafood areas of the Louisiana shoreline, where fishing, shrimping and oyster harvesting bans have been widened.

May 8
Untold damage is already being done by the 3.5 million gallons estimated to be in the sea so far, but the extent of that harm will rise exponentially if the only solution is a relief well that takes months to drill.
Latest plan to cap well has failed
Workers who had carefully lowered the massive box over the leak nearly a mile below the surface had to lift it and move it to the side. Now they're trying to unplug it while they look at other solutions.
Plans by BP to sink a 4-story containment dome over the oil gushing from a gaping chasm one kilometer below the surface of the Gulf, where the oil rig Deepwater Horizon exploded and killed 11 workers on April 20, and reports that one of the leaks has been contained is pure public relations disinformation designed to avoid panic and demands for greater action by the Obama administration, according to FEMA and Corps of Engineers sources. Sources within these agencies say the White House has been resisting releasing any "damaging information" about the oil disaster. They add that if the ocean oil geyser is not stopped within 90 days, there will be irreversible damage to the marine eco-systems of the Gulf of Mexico, north Atlantic Ocean, and beyond. At best, some Corps of Engineers experts say it could take two years to cement the chasm on the floor of the Gulf.

It's easy to see how a third of sea life could die from this one BP disaster if they can't cap the well and it keeps leaking into the sea.
Ships pump in sea water ? to cool engines and for other purposes ?
Could pumping in an oil water sludge cause one third of ships to breakdown and be out of commission ?

Could the oil 'color' change to blood after it kills off the oxygen and all marine life ?

Could an oil rig looking like a mountain burning with fire be what the apostle John saw ?
Will this oil disaster cover a third of the oceans and have unknow consequences ?

I don't think we're there yet (?) but this just goes to show us how easily Revelation Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
A third of the sea will be turned to blood not oil soup.
The devastation caused by the BP disaster on the U.S. will be of biblical proportions and is just one more nail in the coffin of America Babylon.
This is how an expert said this disaster happened.

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