Tuesday, May 04, 2010

One Word the Media Left Out

More government incompetence.
Authorities said that despite the manhunt, his passport had not been flagged and he was able to buy a ticket with cash and clear airport security.
He got thru TSA airport screening and onto the plane before he was arrested !!!!
A 30-year-old American immigrant from Pakistan was taken off a plane bound for Dubai late Monday at John F. Kennedy International Airport and arrested in connection with a failed attempt to detonate a car bomb in Times Square, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced.

They caught the fellow last night at JFK trying to make his getaway.
They had his name for some time but never released it only saying they were looking for a person of interest.
After arresting him,they focus us on 'he is a US citizen',they did say Pakistan,finally gave us his name but they never once used the word forbidden by the criminal globalists who control the US government and media ; Muslim or Islamic.
The evil elites were so hoping he was their 'suspicious' white boy.
You do know that if he were a Jew or a Christian the media would not have any problem reporting this, demonizing and trashing Judiasm and Christianity ?
The reason is because they serve the same Satan which Islam serves.


  1. All the time they are spinning this story that he was a lone wolf - acting alone.
    But now they have arrested someone in Pakistan.
    We must not use these words - Islamic, Islamist, Terrorism, Muslim Terrorist,
    These words are taboo.

    What a bunch of liars we have in charge of our countries - I mean USA and UK, AND EU.

  2. You left out unbalanced Israel They're evil in their cover and defense of evil Islam.
    It's all part of the Satanic,Anti-Christ New World Order agenda.
    The media are looking to make him a poor innocent victim motivated by the loss of his forclosed home and not the religion of death and destruction.

    The idiot mayor Bloomberg and the left are miserable because it was not a white non Muslim responsible for this Islamic terrorist attack.
