Sunday, May 02, 2010

Times Square Car Bomb

'A black metal box resembling a gun locker was also recovered'

What was in the black metal box  ?  Dirty Bomb material ?
Will we ever know the truth or will they just keep quiet as they are with the cause of the Gulf oil rig explosion ?
Will the idiots in charge do what they do best and lie to us ?

Here is what the best and brightest are saying about the Times square car bomb today ;
'We have no idea who was responsible and why'

'Authorities had no suspects and no motive early Sunday in the latest threat to New York, where a Colorado man  Afghan Muslim Al Queda terrorist imported into the US by lawless government immigration policy
 recently pleaded guilty to plotting an attack on the subway system'

Propane and gas was the favored car bomb material with Al Queda in Iraq and ISLAMIC TERRORISTS EVERYWHERE ELSE.
I guess the idiots in charege forgot about that ? or are they just covering up for their Muslim terrorists which they have imported BY THE MILLIONS into the US ?
Next time we won't be so lucky.
How stupid Israel is to run to a nation ruled by idiots looking for peace with the unappeasable MUSLIM jihadists.

# 36 If you can make it in NY you can make it anywhere

Yesterday being a beautiful Shabbos day I took a walk after shul in my area of town here in Montreal.

To say it has changed would be a great understatement.
Wall to wall Arabs with head scarves and the whole Colemen Tent fashion garb.
Yes my fellow Jews America/Canada will be the next Europestan.
Quebec is the new Quebecstan and yes we Jews here have had bombs directed against us in the past.
Four years ago a bomb was placed near the local YMHA on a shabbos morning.
Its coming to a city near you..buckle up children its going to be a rough ride.


  1. Marcel,
    It is a very similar modus operandi to the "Tiger Tiger" attempted bombing in London a couple of years ago, when the Islamists tried to kill my daughter, amongst many others.
    Now they are saying the Islamists took exception to an episode of South Park.
    Daniel Pipes discussed it here:

  2. The US media is doing everything they can to hide the truth from the public.
    Pakistan Taliban claims responsibility (a day before) and I believe them more than the lying idiots in government and their cover up media who have opened the borders wide open to allow these Islamic terrorists into the country.
    Obama,Napolitano too incompetent to figure out anything so automatically before an investigation they deny Taliban was involved.
    When God judges a nation He sends stupid,incompetent leaders there first.

    I also belive the Gulf Oil rig explosion was and attack.
    Obama will downplay and cover up these mounting attacks so he looks good but that won't work for long.
