Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Crumbling Idol America

For so long Ameirca has replaced God in the world.They've look to it for salvation instead of Him.
Those days are over !

That is the downfall of all bloated corpse empires.
The reverence and worship stolen from God is especially true with Israel ignoring Him and looking to the U.S.for peace and security.
A grevious national sin.
The Holy One of Israel has been patient with  His idol worshipers but it has run out.
He has exposed the great emperor as just a swell talking empty suit punk.

Obama is a reflection of the America which elected him.
I have seen him since day one as God's judgment on this nation and others are awakening to the reality of America's greatly hyped,punk preisdent.
Many Christians are more offended when their idol America is trashed then when Jesus and His redemption for mankind is trashed by the godless filth that now abounds in this now cursed and polluted nation.
They're still looking to another messiah to save their America after their last failed messiah Bush.
Sarah Palin is their latest rising golden idol they assume will save what God is bringing down.

World sees Obama as incompetent and Amateur

When the French president is seen as tougher than the American president, you have to know that something is awry

A Snakebit President

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