Saturday, July 24, 2010

Delusional Israeli Media Censors the Truth

In Israel the left and right have one thing in common,weakness.

Forget about the leftist bent Jerusalem Post,Haaretz Ynet and Government controlled TV.
Like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu they are CFR, Globalist propaganda mouthpieces.
Except for the rare right wing bones they infrequently throw out to fool the naive right they are nothing but puppets of the globalist agenda which is anti-Israel.
This is why ISRAEL continues to follow the 2 state path to destruction after 17 years of abject failure.
The grasshopper nation is too weak to jump off this train which does not lead to peace because they have ignored HaShem and listen to everyone else but Him.
Israel is so weak  in the face of the destroy Israel by peace agenda because they have forgotten  the Lord who is their only strength and like an unfaithful whore chased after another god.
You are deceived , America is your destroyer not your savior.
The secular Jewish leadership is a total failure and these faithless political weaklings have no spine or will to stand firm on anything.
Israel's enemies and faux friends see that.
Like Haaretz and other pagan Israeli news outlets if it does not feed the delusions and lies they have embraced the truth is censored by the far left,perverse nuts who work diligently to paganize Israel with their Babel 2 agenda.
Israel has (except for a small remnant) converted to the globalists Babel II religion.
This is why Israel religiously follows the unholy 'covenant with death' Road Map commandments.

How poignant Isaiah 28:14-22 is for Israel today.

After decades of feeding on the land for peace lies of their golden calf America Babylon they can't stand to hear the truth.
Even Caroline Glick who is usually very good about 'freedom' to post even unpopular comments on her blog deleted this one I wrote below.
The hard truth of Jude 5 maybe ? or is it that her only hope turns out to be cooked frogs ?

Caroline Glick - Change we must believe in

'Like frogs who fail to jump from a pot slowly brought to a boil'

One sure thing about this generation is that there are no shortages of cooked frogs.
Mesmerized,incapacitated,drugged into a deep stupor,that is Israel today.
This is the price for ignoring the truth and chasing after the modern day false prophets and their Oslo fables.
If the unbelieving politicians and IDF General's had believed Ezekiel 38:5-6 they would have know Turkey would become a major foe.
After decades of imbibing the peace kool-aid the Israeli leadership have one constant.
They are all delusional all the time.
The truth does not fit into the false paradigm they have converted to.
When reality comes crashing down on the apostates of Israel and shatters their golden calf to pieces it is only then that they will awaken from their kool-aid trip,that is those who survive the coming apocalyptic storm.

'But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe '
Jude 5

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