Saturday, August 07, 2010

Council on Foreign Relations and Newt Gingrich

The wolves who masquerade as sheep have been duping the naive Conservative Republicans for a long time.
The easily fooled Christian voters fell for the phony Christian and full time CFR,Skull & Bones,Globalist Bush twice.
The dumb sheep don't listen to the one true shepherd and are so easily led off the cliff by devious smiling con men who tell them what they want to hear while doing what the devil commands them to do.
This is also the modus operandi of Israeli PM Netanyahu who serves Satan's globalist agenda with religious devotion.
A sure way to keep from getting burned is when you see or hear a politician think of a charming snake with a deadly bite because they always do the opposite of what they say until they become a dictator.
The New Word Order,Globalism is a repeat of the Tower of Babel and is the devils second to last organized rebellion against God.
This is why the left,right and hundreds of elitest groups like the CFR and global businesses like Google and the Fortune 500 are so deferring to Satan's largest cult,Islam.
If you're any part of it you're on the losing team !

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