Friday, September 17, 2010

5 arrested in London over threat to pope

UPDATE: 5 Algerian Nationals   I wonder if they're Muslims ?
OF COURSE THEY WERE ,Good,praying Muslim men.
No surprise, this article does not mention it. We knowr why don't we ?

Following with the corrupt government and media policy of cover up of the evil religion of Islam the identities of the five are not mentioned nor their religion.
Don't doubt for a miunute if they were IRA or any 'other' group we would have their names immediately.
They know that the attention span of the public is about two minutes and how esy it is to lie and cover up THE TRUTH when it suits their agenda.
This is done to keep the masses dumbed down to the dangers they face as the globalist's and their government and  media agents keep flooding the West with these Islamic terrorists and telling us how peaceful they are.
It is a Satanic conspiracy at the highest level of Western government which have been hijacked by the anti-Christ globalists.
You have to ask who let them into Britan.Why and when,and are they on government welfare as they plot ?   
The media will never follow up or answer these questions because their's is the busines of lies and deception to advance their nefarious agenda.

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