Saturday, September 18, 2010

Good and Evil

The globalist media brainwash goes ahead full speed.
Their agenda is anti-Christ and evil.
This is why they give extreme preference to
intolerant,bloodthirsty,cruel,merciless, murderous,hate filled Islam.

Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement
does not rate a mention from the media ,CNN,CBS,NBC,FOX,MSNBC,BBC
Not a word but they fed OVERDOSED us nonstop about Ramadan.

The same news media which hides the 'news' that the 6 arrested in London related to targeting the Pope were Muslim.
There truly is something dark and evil about the global media who feed us lies and propaganda and daily brainwash the masses with the false image of what they want us to believe.

Evil Islam Gets a Pass
This is why the bias is always against Israel and evil Islam  is always pportrayed as a victimized religion of peace. 
That is why they cover up the truth and only put pressure on Israel and always reward Islam (Palestinians) for their evil deeds.
14 of the 19 hijackers of 9/11 came out of Saudi Arabia.
Imagine the never ending fallout if they were Jews from Israel.
Instead ,the US has treated the intolerant,throwback butchers of Saudi Arabia like a Princess.
Can you see the Evil at the heart and soul of the US.
You only have to dig a little but many refuse to face reality in order to keep their idol ,the lie they live for alive.
Here is just the latest example of the US going out of it's way to help,aid,support,assist evil 

“Saudi Arabia has a history of financing terrorism, is a nation that teaches hate of Christians and Jews to their schoolchildren, and offered no help to the US as gas prices surged during the spike in oil prices.”
The deal reportedly includes up to $60 billion in sales of advanced fighter jets and helicopters, including F- 15s, Apaches and Black Hawks. The deal could also include expanded missile defenses and naval capabilities for Riyadh.


Islam's almost letter to Dutch Newspaper Jyllands-Posten

You won't hear about this in the US media.
It goes against their evil agenda of deception and obfuscation.     

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