Friday, September 10, 2010


It takes rare courage to speak the truth to a dark world. To swim upstream when the world is swimming downstream into the sewer.
from galut YNET talkback 6
what Pastor Jones has threaten to do is Mild compared to what has happened over recent years to christians in muslim countries...many are murdered, jailed ,forbiden public expression ...had thier bibles conficated and burned....

I am against ANY burning or desscration of any holy book or relgious object... just pointing out the lopsided reporting emphisis and public awareness.
It gives the appearance that it is ok to burn the bible or the Torah or the cross but to burn the Koran is the greatest Sin that can be commited.
our sodiers can't carry a personal Bible in islamic countries . but I Bet that a sodier could carry a Koran if he were Muslim....
I understand the potential for inflaming a religious senitivity....
but it is time to rebalance the fairness scale...

One thing this non-event showed the 'infidel' world is the short fuse Muslims have before their hatred ,intolerance and bloodshed in the name of their god is unleashed.

Iran blamed and threatened Israel for this Christian Pastors plans in Gainesville, Florida.
Their false accusations are dark and evil when it comes to Israel which desires peace.
It does not take much to set them off.
Israel's existence or breathing Jews is enough to set them off.
.....Another thing this non event proved is that threats of violence and terrorism from the cult of death ,Islam always pays off and the non longer superpower has crumbled to the will of this evil and false religion.The leaders of the West have all capitulated to this evil

Israel is on her own with God alone to stand with her against this flood from hell. 

"To the Muslim church I would say the reason I am doing on Saturday because I believe they worship a false god. They have a false text, a false prophet and a false scripture," said Old.

"I believe I am right and I am willing to die for that," said Old.

While the majority of cowards in leadership and the dumb sheep who follow them are appeasing evil and standing with it a few speak the truth in this dark world of lies and deception where evil rules. 
Few speak because they are comfortably compromised, fearful and cowardly and do not really believe what God said.
They stand for nothing and fall for everything.

Iran At The Crossroad

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