Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Rosh Hashanah Message to Israel

Israel ,
You assumed that the heart of your enemies was like your heart,that they love life as you do.
You were wrong.
You assumed that you could trust them to keep their word along with the agreements they signed and that the international community would hold them accountable.
You were wrong.
You thought by not tearing down the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount and giving Muslims control over it would endear them to the nice,reasonable Jew.
You were wrong.
You thought that by being humane to the bloodthirsty killers for allah that they would show some degree of humanity towards you.
You were wrong.
You thought the world would be sane and reasonable and side with you against the genocidal,religious barbarians who openly and loudly sing Hitlers refrain.
You were wrong.
You thought by trusting a superpower in serious decline to be a fair arbiter and bring about peace even when pressured with unreasonable demands while the Muslim murderers were always portrayed as victims and nothing was ever required of them.
You were dead wrong.
Your ungodly, liberal tolerance for evil is killing fellow Jews.
Their blood is on your own hands.
And the quisling Prime Minister of Israel wants to put the lives of fellow Jews into the hands of these sadistic killers

The God of Israel did not return His people to their land to follow the agenda of the heathen.

When are you disarmed,tranquilized and pacified sheep heading for slaughter going to rise up and say enough of the Neville Chamberlain appeasements to the new Nazi's who revel in your(restraint)weakness and fear ?

Return to the Lord ,it is right.

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