Wednesday, October 20, 2010

UN Misrepresents Israel Again

The US,EU,UN Axis of Evil against Israel.
Ryan explains the nature of the UN's bias against Israel but leaves out the superpower nation which birthed the UN.

Israel's faux friend and false ally.
It was the US which forced PM Sharon to drive fellow Jews from their homes and land in Gaza for Kassem rockets in return.
It is the hammer of the US that forces Israel to comply with its false peace Road Map under threats,intimidation and unrelenting pressure behind the phony smiles of the gang of three,Obama,Clinton and Mitchell.
It was President Bush, Clinton and Bush 1 before Obama who dealt this treachery against Israel before.
The US is the CHIEF Nation enforcing the ethnic cleansing of Jews from their ancient homeland under the ruse of peace and it is shameful for Christians to ignore this as they have been doing for so long.

Muslim on Muslim Compassion in Pakistan

It’s actually just like the scene from the movie called The Fifth Element starring Bruce Willis. Remember the scene where the cops are searching the apartment block and they use an X-ray scanner to see through the walls? As they search the apartment building, they announce that all residents must face the wall and place their hands inside the yellow circles on the wall. This scene eerily resembles what the TSA makes U.S. travelers do right now.

And virtually no one protests. That’s the really amazing part about this.....
It’s odd that people trust the government when the government doesn’t trust them at all. If the government treats you like a criminal, a terrorist, a lab rat and a vaccine depository, doesn’t that only prove they don’t honor you as a sovereign individual?
And that sends a powerful message confirming that the U.S. government has forgotten it is supposed to serve the People, not rule over them.


China's 95% Choke hold

When the Federal Reserve is actively destroying the USA by creating so incredibly much money, for so long.....

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