Friday, November 12, 2010

America,the New Nazi Police State

TSA CHECKPOINTS:License to Molest People

Understand the big picture. God is giving a wicked nation the wicked leaders they deserve.
It's only going to get much worse and more oppresive.

The average dumbed down citizen has gone along with this, but thank God there is a backlash against the globalist elite gangsters in charge and Herr Janet Napolitano.
America has rejected the light and is now covered in darkness.
This is just one example of the Police State and their Gestapo agents targeting not the Islamic terrorists but average citizens.
Their phony war on terror.
It has always been their green light to enact their draconian New World Order.
These people are evil and on a par with Hitlers Nazi Regime.
They're just beginning their evil reign and the Bible (Daniel,Revelation) lays out how demonic they are and how far they will go before Jesus stops them permanently.
Many Christians have rationalized and chosen to side with this darkness as they did in Hitlers Germany
That why I call it the Fourth Reich

There is no justification for this perverse abuse of average America citizens except to teach them fear of the evil state.
The new Gestapo outdo the Nazi's in terrorizing and abusing the non terrorists in their war on terror.
It's gone way beyond 'your papers please.
Instead of targeting the real terrorists whom they will not name and treat with greater respect than they deserve,they focus on us.
This is evil and as ex-Ccongressman Tom Tancredo said recently ;
'A greater threat to us than al Queda is our own Government.'

 Here is a photo that speaks a thousand words on the evil people who now run our government..

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