Monday, November 15, 2010

The Emerging US Gestapo

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

Proverbs 29:2

I predict that the wicked one's in control will have to neutralize the Internet in some way because it is
getting in the way of their evil agenda.
They'll have to manufacture an excuse to silence the truth and keep the masses dumbed down and compliant to their Satanic master plan.

John Tyner and the emerging US Gestapo

The majority of people have been neutered and are in a deep sleep as the forces of darkness have taken control.
It's always only a few who resist the evil.
The Globalist elite don't target the enemy (they refuse to identify) but the average law abiding American infidel.
They go out of their way to lie to us and tell us that Islam is a religion of peace when it is not.
This is what happens to a nation which turns away from the light God gave it.
The darkness invades the void and it's getting darker by the day.

'The wicked shall be turned into hell,And all the nations that forget God'Psalm 9:17

America is on it's way to hell !

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