Monday, November 08, 2010

Pride Goes Before Destruction

Obama Most Arrogant Man I Ever Met- N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg

This is the perfect man to lead the US into a trap.

Watch CLOSELY his latest moves on Iran.They have been waiting and preparing for a long time against the 'great satan' and the 'little satan'
Russia and China will not sit out this one out as they did Afghanistan and Iraq.

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

Proverbs 16:18


  1. Dear Marcel,
    have you seen this in the press?
    Is it a foreign missile attack being kept quiet?

    Blessings from Spain

  2. Yes, they are talking about it here on the radio.
    Someone called in and said if it was a warning from ? (China,Russia,Chavez)the gov would not say anything in order to keep the comatose citizens from panic.

    For sure the US Gov knows whats going on and their secrecy belies their incompetence.
