Sunday, December 19, 2010

Evil Islam preys on defenseless women and children

Panic and fear got a hold of Christine Logan and she died at the hands of the devils jihad cowards.

Dark Sweden feeds Christians to Evil Islam

Unholy Muslim Sunni's battle unholy Shiites in Medina,Saudi Arabia 

It is evident that Muslims can not live in peace among themselves so it makes it even more
diabolical that the nations of the world keep pushing Israel to cave into their insatiable demands.
Payback is coming to the treacherous nations for their evil treatment of Israel.
Obadiah 15

1 comment:

  1. knowledge seeker ?
    I don't allow lies and their links here.
    The currency here is truth which you could not even answer with this story I posted because Islam only deals in deception,lies and darkness.
    You must stop spreading lies to meet the God of truth.

    If you did seek the TRUTH with all your heart you would find it and dump Islam.

    The big lie of Islam is that the devil they serve is merciful and compassionate.
    It is nowhere to be found,not even among Muslims ,there is no mercy or compassion
