Saturday, December 25, 2010

Hamas: Israel has two options - death or departing Palestinian land.

The abscess of Hamas in Gaza
So what does any normal country do with a troublesome abscess ?
Don't remove a little bit of it but scrape it all out for good,crush Islam and let healing begin.

Hamas has two option's.
1. learn to swim
2. learn to dig your graves.

Israel has two moves - dumping counterfeit US peace scam and soundly defeating Hizballah and Hamas and making sure they stays buried... or Israel can stay on the Road Map trap that leads every where but peace.

America's restraint against Israel has been the devils work,weakening them and strengthening the enemy.

Among the many beautiful things about ISRAEL is the fact that God returning the Jewish people to their land is His first shot across the bow at the false god allah and the false prophet Mohammed.
What a spot to drop infidel's,right in the middle of Islam.
Israel's existence in the middle of Dar al Islam is positive proof that Islam is a lie and soon to disappear from the earth.
The is why jealous and greedy Muslims are so foaming at the mouth full of hate and intolerance against Israel and the Jews.
Israel's existence and prosperity exposes the lie Muslims follow.
The next biggest lie of Islam is that their moon god is merciful and compassionate.
They have none, not even for each other.

When the armies of Islam are defeated by the hand of Israel's God,Only then will Jew and Arab live together in true peace.

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